Tuesday, February 15, 2011

As a Mother

Her hair is silver from years of wisdom, and her eyes have seen much and yet are filled with youth. She is sullen when sullen is required, and joyful when laughter reigns. Her smile is contagious, and those who know her experience her love for her family. She has been a faithful wife and mother to four, yet five, and though she now lives alone, her savior is with her all the time.

She engages herself in volunteer activities such as the famed “Pink Ladies” at the hospital, Sunday school teacher, and “Cuddler” to prematurely born infants, and her passion for the small ones is promoted from the loss of one birthed in her past. Care is abundant, and as she serves to feed and clothe those less fortunate, she is often reminded of the abundance she has enjoyed from her husband first.

She has sat up late listening to her children. She has traveled far, and spent much time for those she loves most. Her mother, father, sister, daughter, and first and second husbands now await on the other side, but her race isn't finished yet. Her children call her blessed as she continues to run, and listen, and serve, and be, a servant of the Most High God, and for seven decades today she marks herself as a godly woman with integrity, love, passion, and care for all those to whom He has placed within her path. Happy Birthday, mom. The writer loves you. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

1 comment:

  1. That means this is a special day. I'm happy to share the same day with your mom!
