Friday, April 22, 2011


She stood in a checkout line with four grocery carts filled with items from the store. Seventy-seven mustards, fifty seven dish washing detergents, twenty eight hand soaps, thirty five rolls of paper towels, and multitudes of other can foods and drinks beeped across the register. The tab began to soar. Eight hundred, nine hundred, twelve hundred dollars and more was the price of this massive bounty. Suddenly, the register stopped. The checkout clerk could add no further items until the bill was paid, and that's when the coupon book was revealed.

One by one a coupon was presented that canceled the purchase prices. Fifty cents here, seventy five there, a dollar off that one, and get two for free for those: each of these coupons had value, and when the total was reduced, the twelve hundred dollar plus bill was only four.

What if there was a way to have to have every wrong a person ever did canceled with a coupon? What if there were seventy-seven lies, fifty seven thefts, twenty eight adulterous acts, nine hundred gossips, etc, and each of them could be suddenly erased like the cleaning of a white board? What if the tab in a person's life soared, and the possibility of reducing the price to zero was available? What if there was a coupon that when used would cancel every price, every debt, ever obligation that a person ever incurred? And what if this coupon was available to everyone who ever lived in all the history of man?

And yet, not everyone takes advantage of coupons. One wonders, would people actually use this coupon even if it were available? Would they care that there is a price to be paid? Would the tabulation of their lives run so high that they would only wonder if there could be such a coupon? Maybe some will be so fortunate to find this coupon, and others will never have their items canceled and have to pay the price.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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