Monday, May 30, 2011

What if No Memorial Day

So where will it be? The beach? The mountains? Maybe it'll be a ride in the country or sitting by the pool. How about fishing? Yes, fishing out on the ocean, or maybe just taking a walk or bike ride with someone close. Oh yes, of course there is the movies, or the ball game, a parade, or the dance, but then again, maybe it will be something out of the ordinary like skydiving or scuba. This day will be filled with activity for those who enjoy life and living, but what if there was no memorial day?

What if there was no sacrifice? What if no one gave his or her life? What if rather than be in harms way, they went their own way? What if rather than battle, they went awol? Or what if instead of caring for others and their country, they decided not to join? What if...? What if...”

But they did, and they have, and today they should be, they must be honored. While people play or work today it is indeed important to give honor where honor is due, otherwise, there would be no us to choose what we shall do with this day. Thank you, to all the servicemen and women who have given their lives to allow us to have the freedom to choose how we shall spend this day. We know you have demonstrated “greater love has no man than this, that he lay down their lives for his friends”.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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