Monday, October 31, 2011

Candy Economics

Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Will there be any available today? Will those who usually stray from such morsels break with their fast? Will there be a little coconut or almonds, a little caramel or strawberry that is given place today like no other day of the year? What about those popcorn balls or chocolate raisins, or those candy apples and chocolate bananas? Ribbon threads, pixie sticks, chewing gum, nerds, Andies, and candy bars...oh doesn't it make the reader want to start singing, “Who can make the sun rise?...the candy man can.”

Today above most every day of the year is a day to celebrate candy. says, “According to Nielson Research, approximately $1.9 billion (or 598 million pounds) is sold during the Halloween season in the U.S.”. Now that's celebrating at the grandest level. Where do all those pounds go? To waste? Or rather, to waists? More than likely it will take a couple of months just to work off what is eaten today alone.

But then again, to be realistic about things, the economy needs a boost, and the public moral needs a little sugar high to get over all the woes, doesn't it? Besides, how are gyms and infomercials with all their products supposed to solicit people with any success if there are not reasons to sell their products? Shoe companies who emphasize walking and running for exercise, weight loss centers, and diet plans need economic stimulus too, so with the 598 million pounds to work off, they should have no trouble at all finding patrons. Maybe there should be a new stimulus package offered to candy companies so they will produce enough delicacies to make the entire nation overweight which will cause manufacturers to make more and more exercise equipment so that gyms and diet plans will flourish, and shoe companies will excel, and oh, the thought of all of it is giving the writer a headache.

By the way, where are the Almond Joys and Mars bars, because the writer now needs energy to work out?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Line Part Three

Yesterday the man who was only going into the store for some butter was found waiting in the twenty item express checkout line behind an older lady who not only had over the twenty item limit, but now was pulling out her check book to pay. His five minute pop in to the store now was an endurance nightmare.

The lady slowly pulled her checkbook from her purse and began looking for a pen. As the man behind her was now more violently tapping his foot and sighing out loud, the woman said, “Oh my, I think I have left my special pen at home. I know it was here yesterday, but I must have taken it out for some reason.” She looked a bit rattled and asked the cashier, “I'm sorry, but do you have a pen?” The cashier who was now also bothered by the woman's slowness, hurriedly offered her the pen on her register. The woman accepted it and noticed that it was black ink. “Do you have a pen that writes in blue?” the woman asked and continued, “I always write my checks in blue, and if I write this check in black it will mess my whole check register up.” The cashier quickly looked around her station and found a blue ink pen. She exchanged it for the black pen with the older woman, and mouthed apologies to the patrons behind her as the woman began to write.

“Now, what was that total again?” the woman asked. “Fifty eight dollars and twenty nine cents.” “Oh yes,” the woman acknowledged and then began to tell her story about how all these items would have cost her less than three dollars back in nineteen forty eight.

Twenty-six minutes had now passed, and the man who was behind the older lady was totally exasperated. He noticed that the second group of people who were in the regular checkout line were now completely through their line, and he wondered if he should cross over to it before a third one should pass by. The woman continued to write, and slowly added numbers and letters to her check. After another two or three minutes passed, the man finally had all he could take and yelled, “Lady, for crying out loud. We have been waiting behind you for almost a half hour. Would you please shake a leg and get on with it.” The woman acted as though she didn't hear him and continued to write. Every so slowly she penned her signature on the check and carefully tore the check from her check book. “I try to be very careful when I tear these checks out,” she told the cashier who quickly accepted her check and asked, “Do you have a form of identification?” “Oh yes,” answered the woman, “Let me find it for you.” The man behind her rolled his eyes and sighed loudly again. He thought that he surely was almost at the end of the torturous wait, but wondered if he was in one of the seven chambers of hell as he waited for those last few moments.

The woman dug through her purse again only to find that she had left her wallet in her car. She had no form of I.D.. “I'm sorry,” the woman said, “I seem to have left my wallet at home too.” The cashier said, “Ma'am, I cannot accept this check unless you have a proper identification.” The poor woman said, “Well, do you mind holding my items for me until I can go home to get my identification?” “Yes ma'am” the cashier agreed, and finally sent the woman on her way.

The man stepped toward the cashier, put his butter down, was ready to finally be checked out when the cashier said, “I'm sorry. This register is now closed. You will have to go to the other line.” The man screamed and said, “I have waited all this time for this woman to checkout and now you are going to close this line right in front of me and all the people behind me?” “Sir,” the cashier answered, “What people?” “These people,” the man abruptly answered and looked back. No one was behind him, and the cashier said, “Sir, those people checked out in the other line over fifteen minutes ago. They got tired of waiting, and chose to go to the other line. Now I suggest that you do the same.”

The man stormed over to the other line, waited again, and finally checked out. As he rushed out of the store, he noticed that there was an older woman beside his car. It was the older woman in the checkout line. He noticed that she was staring at the back fender of his car, and as he grew closer she recognized him and said, “Sir, is this your car?” “Yes it is,” the man said and noticed that the older woman had pulled into his car as she began to leave the parking lot. He couldn't believe it, and was just about to yell when the woman turned to him and asked, “Are you having a rough day?” The man got in his car, pulled out his cell phone, called the police and asked them to please bring hand cuffs because he was going to need to be restrained.

Until tomorrow....Why Say More?

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Line Part Two

Yesterday we left a man standing in the twenty items or less express line with his sole item for purchase. With his butter in hand, he watched as an older lady slowly counted her items out of her basket and was having conversations with the cashiers as she placed them on the conveyer belt.

He watched as she put soap on the counter, then popcorn. It took everything within him to restrain from going around the person in front of him and pulling all her items out of her basket for her. One by one she counted them, and then counted them again. “Sixteen, seventeen...,” he overheard her say, and then she asked the cashier, “Now was I on sixteen or seventeen?” While the man nearly blew it because he was watching as the last person that was in the longer line he chose not to step into was now leaving the store. The cashier said, “That is seventeen, ma'am.” “Oh good,” the woman responded. “Now I have at least three more before I hit the limit.”

The man began to tap his foot, and although the longer line was now refilled with people, he began to wonder if the longer line would take a shorter time than this express one. The lady continued to count as she placed her items on the counter, “Eighteen, nineteen...” She paused for a moment when she realized that there were at least five more items in her cart. “Oh, it seems that I have a few more items than the twenty. Is that going to be a problem?” she asked the cashier. “Ma'am, this is a twenty item express lane, but if you will hurry and put them on the counter I will let you go this time. There are people waiting behind you.” The woman looked a bit embarrassed, but apologized and began counter her items one more time. “Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two...”

The man knew he was growing furious. He looked at a clock and he had now been in the store for over eighteen minutes and sixteen of them were spent standing in this express line. He began to tap his foot. He grimaced his face. He started to yell at the woman, but knew that would probably cause a scene, and then he watched as she put her twenty-third, fourth and fifth item on the counter. “I have only two more, “ the woman exclaimed as she noticed the gum rack beside the register. “Do you suppose I could add a couple packages of gum to this?” she asked the cashier. “Yes ma'am,” the cashier responded, “but you must hurry. The line behind you is getting very long.” “Oh, I'm sorry.”the woman said to the cashier and then to the people behind her. “I will be much quicker now.”

The cashier gave her the total, “Fifty eight dollars and twenty nine cents,” and the woman began complaining about how much prices had increased. “Why back in nineteen forty eight we could have bought every item in here for just under three dollars,” the woman said as she began digging into her purse for her payment. It was then the man noticed that she was pulling out her checkbook.

The story will continue...

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Line

He only needed one item. His wife had called and asked if he could bring home some butter from the store on his way home from work. The task seemed simple enough, and a quick stop in the super saver store should have him on his way in no time. He quickly found a parking space, and entered the large supermarket. He knew where the butter was located at the back of the store, and although ever isle before he reached the butter had tantalizing treats beckoning him to purchase them, he resisted all temptation, grabbed the butter, and made his way to the front of the store. It was there the stress began. It was there time came to a standstill. It was there he saw, “The Line.”

Although there were dozens of people in the store, only two of the twenty eight lines were open. One of them had at least twelve people in it, and the other one which was the express line had only three. “Twenty items or less” the sign read just above the checkout stand, and those who were in that line appeared to only have a few items a piece. The man quickly jockeyed for position, and made his way to be the fourth in the express line. “This should only take a few moments,” he thought to himself as he gleefully looked over at the poor saps who were standing in the huge line a few isles away.

But then suddenly, everything changed. He noticed an older lady who had many items in her shopping cart, and since most of them were smaller, the man didn't notice that her count of items might be beyond the twenty allotted for his line. One by one she slowly emptied her cart, and as each item was pulled, the cashier scanned her goods. “I don't know if I have over twenty items or not,”the man overheard the lady tell the cashier. “I will count them as I take them out.” The man rolled his eyes, looked at his watch, and began to notice that the longer line was shrinking very fast. This woman was taking so long that he watched, one, two, three and four customers in the other line go through before she had her items on the counter.

He looked at his watch again, and heard the lady ask, “Now was that twelve or thirteen items?” The cashier patiently said, “It was twelve.” “Oh good” the lady continued and then stopped putting items on the counter to have a conversation with the cashier. “The last time I was in here I had twenty-two items, and it became very frustrating to know which ones I would have to put back just so I could go through this express line. Now if I have twenty-two items today, will I have to put a couple back or will I be allowed to just go over the limit a little bit?” The man could not believe this was happening. What should have taken only a few minutes now turned into fifteen, twenty and now nearly twenty five minutes.

He began to fume and wondered why the store didn't open more registers. He watched as another person in the longer line went through; then another, and another and still another...

Stay tuned tomorrow for more of story of “The Line.”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Behind the Door

There it was sitting all alone. Behind the milk jug was what used to be a clear colored rubber container with a red plastic lid. Now it was filled with mold spores that looked like a chia pet had invaded the refrigerator. Green and yellow ooze was spread across the sides of the small box, and it was great risk to take a look inside. Whatever in the world was it, and was it ever really food that people consumed at one time? With tentative bravery the container was removed from its resting place and the lid was slowly removed. With an odor that immediately diffused throughout the room, the spore filled masterpiece brought the environment to a regurgitative level. It was too much to bear, and the patrons of the kitchen added to the delightful art all over the counter space within. And to think, that this was all because of what was behind the door.

Doors become wonderful blocking devises to what lies inside. Many times they are useful, and suspension from unwanted guest or activities are limited by these impeding structures. “Do Not Enter” or “Do Not Disturb” may be posted on particular doors, and those who hide behind closed doors for business transactions and negotiations are genuinely convinced of the door's value. However, what about the doors of a person's life? Most people have items that are much like the refrigerator example above, but what about those times when in order to be known or loved completely even those are items that must revealed, are they not? Isn't it true that the entire contents of a refrigerator can be spoiled by just a few leftover containers if those containers are left in there too long? Quite possibly those nastier contents are protected from the other items in the refrigerator because they are hidden by more notable and well used items such as milk, a smile, or a happy go lucky attitude. But, then again, comedic relief only goes so far.

So, what about it? Are there contents within the refrigerator that should be revealed and thrown out? Are there hidden items that have not been explored for years that should be discovered and reopened again even if purging follows? Perhaps the beginning of the process should be to open the door and discover what is inside. Then as each item is revealed, the garbage pail could be very close by and the impeding, putrefying contents that lie behind the door could be done away with forever. Now that would be cleansing from within and cleansing that is complete.

By the way, what's behind the reader's door?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Purposed Acts of Kindness

For a while there was a popular challenge for people to practice called “Random acts of kindness.” The idea was that for no particular reason one person was to be kind to another in some random fashion just because it would be a good thing. There is that old writing that says, “Be kind one to another”, however, it seems that rather than a “random” act, the one who follows that writing would be purposed in being kind. One of the difficult ways to extend kindness is in emails or text messages. Perhaps that would be a good place to begin purposed acts of kindness.

Emails and text messaging have been wonderful additions to communicating in this modern age. The idea of transferring information in a format that doesn't interrupt entirely a recipient's life is a marvel that many use. The difficulty in emails and texts is that the tone of voice often cannot be known. Just by the printed words one person could be using a kind tone or they could be portraying a very mean spirited one. Sometimes if a person uses all capital letters it can be translated as “yelling”, however maybe the senders “shift” key was accidentally struck, and he or she had no idea how to change it. Whichever the case, sometimes the printed text doesn't always portray the spirit of the sender.

But maybe today purposed acts of kindness could go out all through the country. Today words like, “I have been thinking fondly about you today” could be sent from phone to phone or computer to computer. Of course, those words will have to be sent to someone who would like to receive that kind of message, otherwise the recipient might be a little freaked out by it. “You're on my mind,” would be nice message to send, however, what if that message was received by a person's enemy? Would the words still have the “kindness” element attached? Oh my, it does seem that there is just a bit of trouble that could be attached to any typed message, doesn't there?

Let's try this: “If you are reading this entry, the writer so appreciates your taking time to sit and consider the thoughts behind these words. These words are meant to inspire, challenge, and help all who read them, and should one person begin to employ the thoughts behind these words the purpose will be fulfilled. You are very kind to allow such thoughts into your life, and the desire of the writer is that you will truly be blessed in your life for using them.” Now, it is not sure that all those words could fit into a single text, but it is meant with the deepest of kindness, and if the reader has enjoyed, then the first demonstration of “purposed acts of kindness” has been used.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When Miracles Don't Come

Often in random conversations, a person might be overheard saying, “Well, unless a miracle comes, this is going to be bad.” or “Unless a miracle happens, we will never be able to stay,” or “Unless a miracle pops in out of no where, we will never win.” People like to hypothesis about something super-natural intervening in their troubles. There are times when the normal course of events seems to lead to a loss or uninvited end, and there are other times where it seems that the entire situation changes on a dime. One matter is altered, and the other matter goes the way one anticipates it will go. So, what happens when all the praying, crying, begging, pleading, and actions work to no avail? What happens when miracles don't come?

The aftermath of a miracle not coming is really determined by the magnitude of the loss. Suppose it is a little league baseball game. All the players on the team that is losing are looking for a miracle, but the loss comes anyway, and the team goes on to play another day. But what if the miracle doesn't come for someone who is dying? Then the difficulty in continuing to play another day is a different matter altogether. The seriousness of the event often determines the response when the miracle doesn't arrive.

Since miracles are by their very nature something that occurs that is “super” natural, beyond natural, outside of the natural realm, is there really any control over when or where they will occur? Does anyone actually decide which one receives a miracle and which one doesn't? If a person thinks it through, then he or she will probably come to the conclusion that since miracles do occur beyond the natural, then so would the determination of them, and should that be true, then the only hope for a miracle interrupting the normal course of things would be to plead with the one who decides and live with the decision that is made.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Who Cares

Most who have any experience in life at all can recall the comedic routine by Abbott and Costello named, “Who's on First.” As Abbott is trying to explain to Costello the names of the players on his baseball team, he uses pronouns such as “Who”, “What” ,“Where”, “I don't know” and “I don't care.” Most who have viewed the scene laugh hysterically at Costello's inability to understand. This background serves for today's writing, because, “Who” cares anyway?

Who cares that there are people right in our city who do not have housing, clothing, or even sometimes food. Who cares that there are famished people throughout our country, and who cares that there will be no provision for them tonight. Who cares that there are wars and fighting, pestilences and diseases throughout the world, and who cares that many are dying from such troubles. Who will actually get involved in finding solutions for others with such plights, and who makes an effort to go beyond just contributing financially toward such causes. Who is empathetic, sympathetic and caring, and who can relate to others because who has been through perilous times before. Yes, who is active rather than passive about such happenings.

The question becomes, “Who is who anyway?” Who is the who who cares. Who decides to make a move, buck the trend, be involved and rescue rather than sit on the sidelines. Who enters the game and tires of spectating. Who determines that some things can be altered, changed and helped. Who is rarely found and widely needed, and no one really knows who will be the next who who does not allow what, where, when and how to become deterrents to activity. Who just knows it's who's turn, and those who know these things know who who is supposed to be.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chattering Scales

Does anyone else have the experience of believing that food speaks to them? For example, a person can be minding his or her own business, walking through their home, getting ready to watch a little television, when suddenly, from the kitchen area, the refrigerator begins to speak in a quiet whispering voice. “Ice cream. You need ice cream.” Diets scream back, “No, no, you'll get fat. You'll get fat.” But the voice from the fridge cries louder, and is joined by the pantry. “Ice cream,” the fridge says louder. “Cashews,” chimes in the pantry, and then to top it all off, the scales in the bathroom is overheard saying, “You will tilt me. You will tilt me,” and who can resist the voice of the chattering scales?

Now, before one makes the assessment that the writer is psychotic or needs to see a shrink, think about the concept just a little. Are there not persuasive thoughts that push a person toward his or her vice or addiction? Is there not a salesman within the mind who gives convincing arguments as to why this particular time there is ample reason, justifiable cause, and a manageable excuse for indulging? If not, how is it then that so many imbibe, swallow, and gratify to the point of addiction? Not many are forced into their vice, they are rather, convinced.

Perhaps if the “Chattering Scales” could walk, talk, and arrest there would be a curving of the penchant. Imagine the next time the refrigerator speaks and the pantry chants that the “Chattering Scales” were to suddenly appear, lock the refrigerator and pantry doors, and put one's mouth into a restrictive hold and say, “You are not going there today!” Now, maybe there would be less inclination to acquiesce, and the resistance would be a little easier, but then again, who has the market on such a pervasive product, and would there be enough of them to go around? Such chattering scales would have to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent in order to manage such volume, and who has that kind of supply? Maybe, just maybe, the chattering scales are within, and the persuading voice is divine.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Too Little Too Late

The day was normal, and the weather outside was as pleasant as it had been in months. The sun was shinning. The temperature was in the seventies, and only a slight breeze was felt on the skin. It was a marvelous day for a ride in a convertible, and those who have them took advantage. All was peaceful and wonderful in the world until...the lady behind in traffic wasn't paying attention. She looked up only in time to apply the brakes rapidly, but her efforts were futile. She had waited too long and now her billowing SUV was skidding toward the convertible in front. Though she tried everything to avoid it, Kaboom! her reaction was too little and too late.

Oh how many have experienced the trauma of trying to stop something from happening before it happens only to find themselves now in the wreckage. Efforts were made. Pleadings were spoken, and every possible remedy was tried. Still, the impending doom managed to make its way into their lives. Although they begged, cried, prayed, yelled, and appealed, there was no way to not experience what they knew was ahead. People failed them, and they failed themselves. Methods were madness, and plans were rejected. There was just no way to prevent the eventual, and now the penalty must be paid. Every attempt was too little too late.

What does one do when it becomes too little too late? First, breathe. As long as there is breath in the body a person can recover. Second, experience the reality of the loss. There is nothing that can be done about that which has been except to learn from it. Third, begin to discover ways to climb out of the wreckage and start anew. There is life after a wreck even if it is different. Finally, live, learn and be circumspect for there are other opportunities for things being too little too late that might be avoided by paying attention ahead of time. Having a little more ahead of time will help the “too little too late” times become less and less and will avoid future accidents from happening at all.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Little Lights and Wet Blankets

The children's song goes, “This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.” That is of course, until someone with a wet blanket comes along and tries to snuff it out. Has anyone else ever noted how a person with a burning passion for any particular movement or event seems to always have an objector who is ready with a soaking wet resistance to accomplishing the deed in mind? Is it only the writer who encounters the wet blankets of the world? Are there other “little lights” who have experienced the same opposition to their illuminations?

Perhaps there are a few other folk who know those who seem to be contrary, and who are more soggy than a full speed fire hose when it comes to fresh ideas, innovative plans or forward looking thought. One supposes that there would be no lighting or telephones should the wet blankets have prevailed. What about those who enjoy the benefits of interactive communication through the internet and computers never mind the cell phone, smart phone solutions for today? Maybe those who deem flying a natural, everyday event would never have that option available should the wet blankets who said, “if man were meant for flying, he would have been born with wings” had prevailed.

Now, it would be remiss to not mention that a few ideas probably should have wet blankets thrown over them, but the spirit of founding, initiation and conception must be allowed. Who knows, there may be a car that drives itself in our future or even better yet, teleportation, or more. Remember, they laughed at “Star Trek” to think that people could actually have “communicators” to talk with one another.

No, for every light that shines, one supposes there will be another who holds a wet blanket in hand to smother them, but for those who are like phosphorous lights that shine even in the deepest of deluge, prosperity is ahead, and their illumination is necessary for individual and societal growth. Shine on.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?


The daunting task was ahead of the young boy, and his race was about to begin. He could see the path ahead of him that included monkey bars, a balance beam, tires, a swinging rope, two concrete pipes and another rope that was attached to a wall. It was the school's obstacle course. “On your mark” began the coach. “Get set” the chant continued. “Go” and the youngster was off.

Most who read these words remember the days when the obstacle course was ahead of them. In fact, for many, just the memory of this course is enough to cause some dread, but for others it causes relief that they do not have to face that challenge today. However, this reminiscent venue provides a perfect example for those who have intentional goals they plan to reach at some point or another. Before one reaches the “finish line”, there are a few, if not many, obstacles in the way.

So how does a person ever reach the finish line anyway? With so many obstacles impeding, so many trials of efforts retarding, so many challenges and hindrances in the way, is there really any way to make it to the tape that declares the end? The answer is “yes” and again let it be written “yes”.

Simply begin, and deal with each obstacle as it appears. Don't worry about the balance beam until the monkey bars are managed. Don't worry about the tires until the balance beam is crossed, and on and on. In other words, just begin to run, climb, crawl and claw, and be persistent, and before too long, the tape at the end will be in sight. However, remember, at the end of most obstacle courses, there is another one just ahead that will require even more strength to manage.

“On your mark. Get set. Go!”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Temperature Rising

The weather reports state that the temperatures are falling rapidly as the winter solstice approaches. Some are delighted, and others are in dread. For some, sweaty clothes and dampened brows have had their fill this one hundred plus degree Summer, and now it's time to be cool once again. But for others, the absence of shorts filled days and outside activities has them moaning for moving further south before the cold begins. For some the temperature is falling, but for others the temperature is rising on the inside.

One person said, “If everything could be how I like it, when I like it, where I like it and who I like it with, then everything would be alright.” Another person remarked, “The only time I get upset is when things don't go my way. As long as everything including the weather outside is just the way I want it, then there is nothing to complain about.” It really doesn't matter whether a person is speaking about the temperatures outside or the latest news report, if it is the way they like it, everything is fine. But how often does a person get the chance to stand outside, speak to the sky, and dictate the day's weather anyway? How many opportunities does one receive to decide for the rest of mankind whether it will be cold or hot, rainy or clear, with or without snow? This writer's guess is that the outcome of the weather is only wished upon and never directed. Of course, if a person is so insistent about rain one supposes they could stand under a hose or shower head, but nonetheless, the overall temperature rising or falling for everyone is not really up to them.

When the temperature rises on the inside, it's a pretty good indication that the forecast for that individual is stormy weather. Temper tantrums, and spoiled brat fits may be appropriate in some areas, but they seem to be only damaging the housing agent in these. The weather outside may only be an indication of the torment that is within, and if a person rages about such trivial matters that he or she have no control over, what happens when situations or circumstances don't go their way?

The answer to the temperature rising on the inside may come in a short serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr,

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pushing Past the Lazies

It's Monday again, and as the saying goes, “It's back to the old grindstone.” For some there is a tendency to want to skip it. For others, it seems like a streak of lazy has overcome them. Sometimes the break from the work weak will develop the desire in a person to be work-free just a little bit more. There's an old proverb that says, “Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.” The idea is that if a person becomes lazy, he or she is certain to pay the price in the future for things that are needed. When a person understands that being lazy has its repercussions, he or she is much more inclined to push past the lazies.

“Where is the food in the refrigerator?” “Why did the electricity get cut off?” “We don't have enough money for gas?” “What are we going to use to pay for the school supplies?” These questions and more enter the lives of those who are lazy, and even though there is a tendency in most people to be lazy at one time or another, just reviewing questions such as these, especially if they are asked by children, should be enough to motivate a person to get to work.

Maybe the mantra of the famous seven dwarfs could apply when the lazies come around. Their thought was, “Hi Ho”, and with that thought in mind, it's nearly time to make a go of it again and push past the desire just to go back to bed.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

One Dollar at a Time

An old Chinese proverbs says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step,” and so goes the motivation for moving into what may seem to be impossible. Let's face it, many people steeped themselves into so much debt that they wonder if there is ever any light at the end of the tunnel. However, the most difficult part of the relief from debt or any other venue that invites endurance, tenacity and patience, is to first assess the situation one is in, and then make a plan for completing the goal. In other words, when it comes to repayment of debt, a person should concern themselves with paying back one dollar at a time.

“The debtor is servant to the lender” one great book states, and those who know the slavery that owing another individual incurs can totally relate. The task can seem daunting, but it can nonetheless be accomplished. There must be a continual motivation that has simplistic reward along the journey. One fellow filled a jar full of marbles to denote every Saturday that he had left in his life. Week by week he would remove a marble from the jar, and slowly he could see that his time was vanishing before his eyes. The key was to make the most of each of his Saturdays, and for those who know the joy of watching a debt whether small or large disappear, there is a satisfaction that feels like removing chains that bind.

The path is sometimes long, but begins by making the first move, assessing the amount required, and then purposing to move with all the might available to complete the task before. With time, effort, concentration and persistence, one dollar at a time will remove the chains link by link and yard by yard.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Move Sixteen Tons

A popular old song used to say, “You move sixteen tons and what do ya get? Another day older and deeper in debt.” Now, unless the reader has been around for a while, there is no association with these lyrics at all, but if one has seen a few days pass, the entertaining Tennessee Ernie Ford tune is now running through their head. Most who have traveled a few monotonous days know exactly what this song means, and the idea behind it although related to the coal miner's life, can often become the mantra of those who do the same things day after day after day.

Moving sixteen tons by hand has never been easy. Chipping, hammering, pounding, and gathering is hard work, and it's redundancy can drive one crazy. There seems to be no way out, and the only light at the end of the tunnel is the one that leads back to the work chambers again.

So what is one to do who pounds and works in this manner every day, day in and day out, day in and day out? Stop. Take a break. Arrange for something totally out of the ordinary. The cure for “moving sixteen tons” is called, “recreation.” Fortunately for most, the weekend provides just that opportunity, and the beaches will be visited, the boats will sail, the bicycles will be ridden, and the other chances to stop the routine will be availed. Refreshment, restoration, and relaxation will be the theme until the song begins again next week... “You move sixteen tons..”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Day Another Story

Pages of the moments are being recorded right now... “And then she awoke in all her glory and through sleepy eyes looked at the clock as it made that annoying noise. It is time to awaken again, and she is out of bed and beginning to get ready for her new day...” Maybe the scenario is like this, “Suddenly he was awoken out of his deep sleep by the loud noises of the garbage trucks outside. Friday's are always trash days, and he forgot to put the trash out once again.” No matter how it begins, each person awakens to another day and another story. The question is, “How will the story play out today?”

“Let's go to the beach.” “Let's go to the mountains.” “No, let's go to our favorite team's game.” “No, there is a ballet recital this evening, and we must be there.” Think about it. How many different stories are being written right before everyone's eyes everyday? Today, there will be some exciting times for some, and for others, this day will bring sadness. For still more there will be engagements, vacations, wins, losses, good news, bad news, and the interesting part is that many of these events will occur completely by surprise. Still, yet, they become part of the story.

One person said, “Each person's life is like a story that is being told” and if that is so, what if every event, every word, every joy and every sorrow is being written down so that others may read it some day? What if each good thing done is recorded, and what if every bad thing said is written down? If people were conscious that every action and word they thought or did was being scribed in a canon that could be recalled, would their day look any different? Would their attitudes be the same? Would they engage others in the same manner? Would they worry, cry, complain or be depressed as much? Would they help more, care more or look to another's behalf more than their own more often? Only the reader knows, and only the reader will understand what might be done with another day and another story.

Ringgggggggggggggggg! What will today be like?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Around the Bend

Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” Another person said, “That situation just came out of nowhere.” Still another said, “I was just traveling through life with everything going okay and then all of the sudden, BAM!, it hit me like a ton of bricks.” People have all kinds of descriptions for the unexpected events in life. The difficulty with living is that there is very few occasions for when a person knows everything that is going to happen to them. One day everything is fine, and then suddenly, without warning, something new arrives and their lives are changed forever. There really is no sure way to see what is coming around the bend.

Roads are interesting especially in the mountains. Bends, curves, twists and turns are the only path available that is somewhat safe. On foggy nights, a person may only see as far as five feet in front of their car, and precaution is at a maximum. That's the way it is in life. One can really only see a small amount in front of them, and as they carefully maneuver themselves from one curve to another, there may be a few unexpected events around the bend.

“Where did that circumstance came from?” and “what in the world did a person do to deserve that?” only serve to push a person toward making some kind of meaning of it all. The way to manage events that come unexpectedly around the bend is to be ready in advance for their coming. They're on the path, and they are unavoidable as long as a person breathes. Once someone realizes that this is just a part of the pathway, when the bends come, their impact isn't as disabling as if one acts as though nothing surprising is out there. The way to deal with the “Bends” in life is to know they're coming, be ready to react, and know that the road continues beyond them. That is, of course, unless around the bend the sign reads, “Dead End.” Then the traveler has no worry of the bends anymore.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wrestling Bears

The man stood six foot tall and weighed a whopping two hundred and fifty two pounds. He was muscular and strong, and he looked like he could take the head off a giant should one approach. He made his way to the left side of a cage where a nine foot eight inch tall bear that weighed over seven hundred pounds was located, and his mission was to provoke the bear into a wrestling match. Within an instant the bear attacked the man, tore his muscular arms like strings, and tossed him around the ring like a cotton doll. With only a moment to spare in his life, the man jolted for the gate to the cage, ran outside and as he tended to his wounds wondered whatever possessed him to attempt such a ridiculous feat as wresting a bear.

Some problems are like wrestling bears. They're huge, monstrous, and ready to rip one to pieces should that one make entry their way. The question becomes, “Did the problem provoke you, or did you provoke the problem?” For example, If there is a huge problem in a relationship, was that relationship one that was unavoidable, or was there an opportunity to simply observe it from a distance? Certainly there is a cost to some engagements, but often that cost does not have to be paid.

Sometimes the best solution is to never enter into the cage with raging bears. By merely being an observer rather than a wrestler, a person avoids being ripped to shreds. It's safer, more comfortable, and the pain is avoided. By looking at the “Bears” with only a spectator's eyes, problems become like animals in a zoo. Certainly someone will be brave enough to face them, won't they? Isn't there someone else who is stronger? What ever would cause a person to desire to wrestle a bear anyway?

Consider this. With some bears, there is no cage, and the bears are on the loose. Now what?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

His Way

The little boy stands only twenty two inches tall and is not even a year old yet. He's in the beginning stages of walking and can crawl around and pull up on objects to make himself stand. He's standing at the front of an auditorium where there are Kleenex boxes housed in bronze-like containers that are just beyond his reach. He puts his hand out and stretches as far as he can, but he has no luck reaching the object in mind. Over and over he reaches and moans, but still has no success. Finally, he slams his hand down on the little ledge, squats down to a seated position, and begins to cry in frustration. That's when his daddy notices the boy and simply walks over and puts the bronze container in his son's hand. The boy grew quiet. The tears were dry, and the little child had everything “his way.”

Isn't it interesting how the world is so much more pleasant when everything goes the way a person wants it? Every light changes as they like. Every game is won by their team. Every meal is exactly what they want to eat and how they want it cooked. There are no taxes. There are no traffic jams, and the thought of any delay in any line is totally absent from their lives. Every relationship goes in the very manner they desire, and should they decide to change at any time, there isn't an impediment in sight. Every desire is theirs without restraint, and pleasures are at their beckoning call. In fact, wouldn't the world be a much happier place if everyone everywhere got everything his or her way?

But then again, how could that be? For when two people desired the same thing, one would not be able to get his or her way, wouldn't they? How could two opposing teams each win the game? How would people entering opposite corners of an intersection be able to have the light be green for them at the same time? If a husband wanted one food and a wife wanted another food and only one was available, which one gets their way? Oh the dilemma, oh the difficulty, oh the thought of it! That someone else might get their way over the one desired is just too challenging to think about; it's too hard to manage; it's too much to ask, isn't it? Or maybe like the little tike who reaches for the bronze Kleenex box, one might learn to plop down, cry a little, and wait to take his or her turn.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Reading Between the Lines

Is there something hidden? Is there something not being said? What does she mean by that way of saying that, and what does he mean by those phrases? Is it real or paranoia? Does someone have an overactive imagination or is there verity within? Most people have experienced both sides of this communication dilemma, but are there those who use this mode of operation on a regular basis. There are advantages and disadvantages of reading between the lines.

The advantages of reading between the lines is that someone else doesn't always receive the same information. For example, there may be things that mommy and daddy do not want little Johnny or Sally to hear. There also may be the “need to know” basis that employers and military personnel employ, however, whichever the case, the idea is that other parties do require the knowledge of the ones speaking. In order for them to understand the non-communicated, there is a great deal more difficulty reading between the lines.

The disadvantages of reading between the lines is that the left out parties may infer the wrong information. There is rarely anyone who can do what another desires for them to do unless they have their information. They cannot function in a required manner unless they can operate according to the sane mental content as the one sharing. Often reading between the lines is misinterpreted, off base, and totally unreliable, so dysfunction follows, and errors are made. Misinterpreting what is between the lines usually causes harm, hurt and sometimes destruction.

So, if one is really desiring to “read between the lines” and has a penchant to do so, consider this page: if one will notice what is “between the lines”, they will see that what is “between the lines” is space, and who wants a lot of space in their heads?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Two Times as Much

Is one banana split ever enough? Is one hour enough time to play with a child or grandchild? Is one trip to a theme park ever totally satisfying? Is one visit to the grandparent's house ever all one desires? Is one life enough to live? In considering these, one might conclude that some things are so enjoyable that there naturally is a desire for two times as much as the amount allotted.

But, of course, there will be those who have opposing views such as, “I don't like bananas” or “You don't know my children or grandchildren,” or “The last time I went to a theme park I threw up on a ride,” or “Do you know how hard my life has been?” Sincerely, the answer is no, not really, but are there times when something was so enjoyable that there was a desire for twice the amount that was given? Are there dreams and wishes that if they could be fulfilled they would be so delightful that a person would desire two of them?

But, then again, maybe the experiences of the past have made the reader numb to the idea of anything being worth having twice. Maybe there have been disappointments, delusions, or disparaging times or commitments. Just maybe there have been a few expectations that were not even close to being met. These events have now stripped away every desire to ever go through something like that again. Pain does have it's barrier attached.

Maybe it's time to dream again. Maybe it's time to consider a new path. Maybe it's time to review something from the past and relive it one more time. Certainly there is risk, but if the potential reward is that a fresh desire for living once again is re-birthed, then indulge, and have another scoop of ice cream, another hour with a child, another trip to a theme park, or another way of life to live.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What If He's Working on You?

The middle aged woman was overheard saying, “I don't understand why I have to go through this.” A young man questioned, “Why would this happen to me?” An older lady remarked, “It's never been like this before. Is there any reason why I should be having to do it this way?” And on an on it goes with people enduring events and circumstances that are unexplainable. No matter how the thoughts, and no matter how much one tries to understand, there are some situations that cannot be comprehended. But what if, just what if He's working on you?

An old saying goes, “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” Now, that might not seem too attractive to those who are enduring some sort of suffering or trouble, but what if there really is one who has this person in the very situation they face just because there are parts within their character that are being worked on? Like a master craftsman of old, He just might be at work hammering, chiseling, sanding and buffing his masterpiece. By allowing the difficult blows, the pointed marks, the rubbing scratches, one by one each event forms, fashions, and creates an image that is very much unlike the one with which he began. He's working, and only the afflictions will produce the end product He has in mind.

“Ouch!” one may say. “That hurts!” might be the response of another. “Why did that have to happen?” another might question. One may never be able to answer these questions with the satisfaction desired, but in general there may be a few more places that the master has to work to complete the masterpiece that He knows is within. Yield to the master's handiwork.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Till the Last Breath

There are times in life when there is a final chapter, a final walk, a final visit and even a final breath. Although many of these events are met with dread, sometimes there is the hope that something lies beyond, before and within the future of the one who experiences such events. Waiting in anticipation of such circumstances can be worse on the mind than when the final moment arrives, and once it does, relief is at hand. Oh, there may be a time of grief or a time of sadness, but generally once the moment has passed, healing begins. But oh the torture of waiting til the last breath.

It is indeed good to go through the emotions of the time. Experience the sadness. Walk through the tears. Reflect on the memories, and allow the other emotions to crest and fall like waves on the ocean shore. Blocking these feelings will only repress and push a person into unexplainable depression. Sometimes there is even a desire to abandon, be recluse and hermit oneself away from everything and everyone. Push past that desire, and engage in community. Learn to live with the memories and place them in an invisible backpack that will help toward motivation for future living.

The regretful part of living can be that there are regrets, but the person who learns to live with, learn from, and utilize regrets will be more than ready for when the final and last breath comes to any situation or circumstance they meet.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Empty Streets

One lady was heard saying, “the traffic is terrible, and I'm not sure I will make it across town in time.” A gentleman was speaking when he said, “There is no way to make it all the way over there in ten minutes.” To what are they referring? Oh, simply all the vehicles on the main thoroughfares in town. Bumper to bumper, horn to horn with everyone scurrying everywhere from the banks to the stores to that gas stations and more. But, have the readers every driven through town in the middle of the night? The traffic isn't bad at all. In fact, there are empty streets.

The clogging of cars and trucks can be a bit frustrating. Everyone knows that. However, has there ever been any consideration to meeting in the middle of the night when most everyone else is asleep? There are very few cars on the road and with the exception of a few garbage trucks and street sweepers, the travel time is almost impediment free. The lights turn or stay green all the way across town. There are very few bicyclist. Walkers are vacant, and the web mover is rarely seen at night. It's almost as if the streets are like a ghost town, and without the aid of street lighting, it would appear so.

So what's the big deal about night travel anyway? Perhaps it has something to do with timing. Empty streets and timing, now that has an interesting connection. Maybe, just maybe, there is a correlation between the timing that makes for seamless conversations verses convoluted ones. Quite possibly one of the greatest times to share with someone loved is when the streets are clear, the impediments are vacant, and the lights are all green. With nothing other than “empty streets” within the minds and hearts, clarity of thought, easy communication and fully attentive sharing is as easy as traveling across town when no one else is around.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pushing Past

Most everyone who reads has heard the story of the “Little Train that Could.” With great anticipation and expectancy, children who listen to the story cheer as the little train repeats, “I think I can. I think I can.” Then, of course, with tremendous effort and tenacity, the small train makes it over the large hill. What a lesson, what a motivation, and what a drive is put within the person who adheres to this theme and pushes past the mountain before them.

Let's face it, some of the challenges in life are very much like mountains. With rigid passages, groups of trees, mounds of snow or inclimate temperatures or other impediments, mountains become an xcellent example of tasks to overcome. Some quit, and others grow too weary to push past the top. Some only stare into the massive rising of the situation before them. Others are catatonic from previous experiences, and still more simply talk and never move. There are a few keys to pushing past the mountain, and maybe some will hear.

First, recognize the mountain. Spell out what the task is. Second, make a plan toward success. Third, begin moving. It is easier to steer a moving car than it is to steer a parked one. Fourth, Keep moving. Although there may be a few setbacks with tenacity the goal will be reached, and like the little train that could, the mountain will be pushed to the past.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Killing the Spider

In an old country church there used to be what was known as “Testimony Time”. Every Sunday evening the pastor would allow for those in the congregation who desired to stand and give “Testimony” as to what God had done for them this week. Although most in the fellowship who shared would tell about how God helped them in their families or at their jobs and such, one older man would stand and say, “Pastor, this week I got tangled in the web of life, and I fell into sin.” The next week the same man would get up and say, “Pastor, this week I got tangled in the web of life, and I fell into sin.” Week after week he said the same thing, “Pastor, this week I got tangled in the web of life, and I fell into sin.” Finally, after hearing these same words over and over again, another man in the congregation yelled out, “Somebody kill the spider!”

Some of the troubles people get themselves into are because they are spinning their own webs. The source of the difficulty may be right in front of the mirror, and the sooner that one “kills that spider” the better.

If there are troubles all around, perhaps they are not the reader's fault. But, then again, take a long hard look. Seek the webs. Discover if there is a little arachnophobia that has crept in, and begin a clean sweep of all the cob webs that lead to one's own entanglement.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?