Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Behind the Door

There it was sitting all alone. Behind the milk jug was what used to be a clear colored rubber container with a red plastic lid. Now it was filled with mold spores that looked like a chia pet had invaded the refrigerator. Green and yellow ooze was spread across the sides of the small box, and it was great risk to take a look inside. Whatever in the world was it, and was it ever really food that people consumed at one time? With tentative bravery the container was removed from its resting place and the lid was slowly removed. With an odor that immediately diffused throughout the room, the spore filled masterpiece brought the environment to a regurgitative level. It was too much to bear, and the patrons of the kitchen added to the delightful art all over the counter space within. And to think, that this was all because of what was behind the door.

Doors become wonderful blocking devises to what lies inside. Many times they are useful, and suspension from unwanted guest or activities are limited by these impeding structures. “Do Not Enter” or “Do Not Disturb” may be posted on particular doors, and those who hide behind closed doors for business transactions and negotiations are genuinely convinced of the door's value. However, what about the doors of a person's life? Most people have items that are much like the refrigerator example above, but what about those times when in order to be known or loved completely even those are items that must revealed, are they not? Isn't it true that the entire contents of a refrigerator can be spoiled by just a few leftover containers if those containers are left in there too long? Quite possibly those nastier contents are protected from the other items in the refrigerator because they are hidden by more notable and well used items such as milk, a smile, or a happy go lucky attitude. But, then again, comedic relief only goes so far.

So, what about it? Are there contents within the refrigerator that should be revealed and thrown out? Are there hidden items that have not been explored for years that should be discovered and reopened again even if purging follows? Perhaps the beginning of the process should be to open the door and discover what is inside. Then as each item is revealed, the garbage pail could be very close by and the impeding, putrefying contents that lie behind the door could be done away with forever. Now that would be cleansing from within and cleansing that is complete.

By the way, what's behind the reader's door?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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