Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Law, Judgment, The Wicked, and Wrong Habakkuk 1:4 - Equipped for Battle

What are the consequences whenever a society constantly engages itself in iniquity, grievances, thefts, violence, strife and contention? We may not be able to answer that question, but these were the traits of the society in which Habakkuk lived. As we have learned in our three previous verses, Habakkuk was constantly exposed to these behaviors. Today we see the results of that behavior, and as we look at them we may see these traits in our world today. He wrote in verse four of chapter one:

Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment never goes forth: for the wicked do compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds.

The first result of Habakkuk's surroundings was “the law is slacked.” The word slacked means “to be feeble or numb to”. In other words, the word of God was not having an effect upon people any longer. They ignored the law, and they certainly were not challenged by it whatsoever. How many people today never open their Bibles, and if they do, it is usually at the prompting of a pastor or teacher at church and never upon their own volition? The conclusion of Habakkuk was that the ill behavior and wickedness of those around him pushed people away from the word of God, and therefore conviction of the heart was nearly absent.

Secondly, Habakkuk wrote, “judgment never goes forth.” Justice was tainted, and righteousness never was the rule. Anyone who watches court rulings today will be able to identify with some of what Habakkuk endured. People were not making good and righteous decisions because they did basically whatever they thought was okay to do. They had little regard for others, and so everything was about themselves. Justice fled when iniquities abounded.

Finally Habakkuk gives the reason the law is slacked and judgment never goes forth, “for the wicked do compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds.” Habakkuk saw where more people did wickedly than those who followed righteousness. All around Habakkuk was violence, iniquities, and strivings, and this behavior leads to wrong judgments. How many people have gotten themselves into trouble simply by being around others who were involved in pernicious acts? How many parents of teenagers have cried over their children who joined themselves to the wrong group of friends? Whenever a person chooses to have associations with those who practice wickedness, their judgment is clouded and they fall prey to horrible consequences.

Would our assessment of our country today be, “the law is slacked?” Would we surmise that “judgment never goes forth?” Possibly not, only because it seems the rule of the day is that if we do not like the rule, simply change it, and then we will not have to follow it any longer. This may be acceptable in some cases, but when it comes to God's rules, changing them only fools the ones attempting to change it, and there is no greater clouding of judgment known to man.

Next time we will look at God's answer to Habakkuk, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

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