Monday, July 1, 2013

Trouble Shall Bear His Judgment Galatians 5:10 - Equipped for Battle

The difficulty with a little false doctrine is that it has to have more false doctrine to keep it promoted. Paul the apostle knew as he reminded the Galatians that “a little leaven leavens the whole lump”. Although the Judaizers were promoting false teaching, Paul was convinced that the Galatians would not follow after it. In chapter five of Galatians and in verse ten Paul wrote:

I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubles you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.

Paul begins, “I have confidence in you through the Lord,...” As Paul considers the people of Galatia, he believes they will not be persuaded toward the teachings of the Judaizers. He shares of “confidence in you” or rather “I have faith in you”, and note how he does, “through the Lord”. There is something about the hope that a minister has for his parishioners. Paul knows these church members have been taught the truth, and he believes they will know the difference between the false teachings and the true.

Paul goes on to say, “ that you will be none otherwise minded:” Paul knew the battle for the truth was in the minds of his hearers. Paul led the Galatians to the truth, and he was a witness to their trusting in Jesus Christ as their substitutionary sacrifice for their sins. There was no need to return to the attempt of keeping the law of Moses, for the law of God through Moses was the agent by which they knew their need for Jesus. Paul had confidence that they would not divert from this way of thinking, and that they would “be none otherwise minded”.

Paul continues, “but he that troubles you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.” Paul now turns his words toward those who promote these false teachings. Rather than strongly admonishing these false teachers, Paul tells of their future “shall bear his judgment”. Accountability shall take place, and there will be a reckoning for those who promote false doctrine. The gospel of Jesus Christ is exclusive, and those who promote ideas that are contrary to the gospel will give an account of their words and actions. Note too that Paul doesn't designate any particular person but more or less blankets “whosoever” this person is. There is no preferential treatment or exclusivity to any particular person or group, but whoever promotes ideas that are contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ shall “bear his judgment.”

As we read these words we may note the seriousness by which Paul directs them to his readers. Paul desires that the Galatian church members follow after the truth, and he does not want them to persue a lie. The same can be said for us. As we continue in the word of God, learning the ways of God, and growing in grace and love of Jesus Christ, there will be no outside doctrine that will convince us to stray. We will be “none otherwise minded” as we study God's word, and we shall leave the judgment of those who might attempt to persuade us otherwise to Almighty God who knows exactly how to deal with them.

Next time see what happens to the offense of the cross, so read ahead, and let us join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

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