Saturday, May 23, 2015

Maroth and Evil from the Lord Micah 1:12

As Micah the prophet continued to name cities such as “Saphir, Zaanan and Bethezel” which were near Samaria and Jerusalem, he told of their inability to stop the judgment that was carried out against them. In chapter one and verse twelve of his prophesy, Micah shares concerning another city named “Maroth” and how “evil came down from the LORD” against them. We read:

For the inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good:
but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem.

The verse begins, “For the inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good:” Micah began this verse with the word “For” which means “because or on account of” “the inhabitant” or “one who stays or dwells” “of Maroth” which means “bitterness” “waited carefully for good”. The idea of “waited carefully” is “to twist, whirl, dance, writhe, fear, tremble, travail, be in anguish, be pained or to writhe as in pain”, and if we use our imaginations we can almost picture the people within the city of “Maroth” twisting and turning in anguish as they hoped that good would befall them.

The verse continues, “but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem.” With the thought of “Maroth” painfully waiting and hoping for good, Micah wrote “but evil” or “bad, unpleasant and unpleasing” things “came down from the LORD” which means “descended, marched down or declined” from “Jehovah”. Those within “Maroth” or “bitterness” desired “good”, but they only received “bad” and “unpleasant things” “from the LORD” which were like unto their name. This “evil” descended “unto the gate of Jerusalem” and is more than likely a reference to the Assyrian takeover of Israel.

As we think through this verse, it might be helpful if we imagine ourselves being the occupants of the city of “Maroth”. What if we were hoping for “good”, but “evil from the LORD” came? Perhaps we have been in their position before when we were expecting one outcome, and the opposite occurred. The interesting part to this verse is “the LORD” was involved. Could it be that the citizens of “Maroth” were so blinded by their own activities and actions that they ignored the possibility that the LORD was against them? If so, may the Lord Jesus continue to help us see Him in every action and activity, so that when we are expecting “good” and “evil” comes, we will still know that He is involved.

Next time Micah writes about Lachish and Zion, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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