Monday, February 20, 2017

Seeds, Garners, Barns and Corn Joel 1:17

Joel the prophet declared, “the day of the LORD is at hand”, and his promise was that “destruction from the Almighty shall come”. He also asked the people of Judah to consider how “the meat” was “cut off” before their “eyes”, and “joy and gladness from the house of” their “God”. In chapter one and verse seventeen, Joel shares about the “Seed”, the “garners”, the “barns” and the “corn” where we read:

The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate,
the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.

The verse begins, “The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate,...” Joel began with the words, “The seed” or “grain of seed or kernel” “is rotten” which means “shriveled and wasted away” “under the clods” or “shovel or something thrown off the spade”, “the garners” which refers to “treasures, storehouses, treasure house and treasury” “are laid desolate” which means “appalled, stunned, stupefied, deflowered and deserted”. As Joel surveyed the land of Judah, he noticed how even the “seed” or beginning of the plants was “shriveled up and wasted away”. He also shared how the “storehouses” which were normally filled with grains were “empty and deserted”.

The verse continues, ...the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.” Joel added, “the barns” which means “granary in the sense of depositing” “are broken down” or “torn down, overthrown, beaten down, broken, thrown down, plucked down, ruined and utterly destroyed”; “for the corn” which means “wheat, cereal and grain” “is withered” or “made dry and without moisture”. Joel continued to share how the “barns” or “granaries” were “torn down and overthrown”, and the “grains” were “dried up and without moisture”.

When we think about these words, we can almost sense the devastation Joel felt as he shared them with the people. All the normal prosperities were destroyed, and where there used to be abundance, there was only lack. Sometimes we face “ruin” and “impairment” in our lives, and perhaps we look around and discover our “prosperity” is gone, and we may even wonder if God even sees us in our conditions. It is in these times we can identify with the people of Judah, and realize that God Almighty sent Jesus Christ to save us no matter how horrible our conditions may be.

Next time Joel shares about the “beasts, cattle, and sheep”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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