Two little boys were playing with one another when the one boy began making faces at the other. The other boys saw the onslaught and began making facing back at him. Each boy tried to outdo the other by pulling his mouth with his fingers or distorting his eyes, or puffing out his cheeks and pushing his nose upwards until finally mom walked into the room. Mom saw the theatrics and stated firmly, “You keep making those faces and they will get stuck like that!” Each boy stopped making his faces for a moment until mom left the room, wondered if mom was telling the truth, and then dared to make just one last jeering face at the other. Of course, their faces went back to normal.
However, has anyone every noticed how it seems that some people's faces have “stuck” a particular way? Some faces have a natural scowl, and others are naturally sad. Some people seem to have a constant smile, and others look so mean that not one child will go near them. There may be a bit of truth to mom's saying, “You keep making those faces and they will get stuck like that!”
Muscles in the face are strained and conformed to the attitude one has in his or her life, and over time, the outward appearance that is seen by others reflects one's response to circumstances, difficulties and people. Maybe today would be a good day to take a long look in the mirror or better yet, have someone take a picture and observe the countenance that others see. The face that is stuck there may surprise many, and the realization that this is how others see them may motivate them to change. Until Say More?
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