Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wasting Time?

If a twelve hour flight left from Minneapolis, Minnesota at twelve pm. and landed in Beijing, China, the time would be twelve pm. the next day when he or she arrived. In other words, a whole day would have passed. The opposite would be true if a person took the trip in reverse. But let's suppose that one could travel at the speed of light for one hour into outer space. Although his or her personal life would only experience an hour of use, the earth would have aged thousands of years. The concept is as Will Ferrell said in one movie, “Mind Bottling” which rather means mind boggling in common vernacular.

Though time doesn't seem to pass quite that quickly, it is passing, and as a person considers the sand in his or her hourglass, time is slipping away. There is indeed only so much sand that travels through the small opening of the hourglass for each person, and then the final grain falls. What then? However shall it be? Not many know when or how, and then again, most do not want to know such things, but nonetheless, there is only so much time.

How one spends his or her time is of utmost importance. Wasting time is a commodity that cannot be regained. Children grow up, jobs expire, health diminishes, and youth is expended. Those who choose to use their time wisely will never share a regret, and those who waste time shall spend the time they have in sorrow over the time that has passed them by. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

1 comment:

  1. What can be done today must be completed today. Who knows what tomorrow has in store for everyone? coz, tomorrow never comes and there is no use crying over yesterday and it is just like crying over spilt milk!!!
