Saturday, September 24, 2011

Figments of Imagination

Two people are having a conversation. “Did you see it over there? What? That. What's that. That thing. What thing. The thing over there. I know I saw it, didn't you? No, I think you are seeing things. I am not, it was right over there.” And so goes the story of the person who sees things that they would swear they saw that were merely a figment of their imagination.

Ships from outer space, UFOs, apparitions, mysterious appearances and the like are some of those figments that make the average person desire to place the reporting one in a retraining center. They used to say, “Go get the straight jacket, he's lost it.” But today, “Demon, demon, who's got the Demon” seems to be the norm. Figments of imagination are everywhere and constant. Why even television reality shows are manifesting them.

There is a reality here though that should be observed, and that is that figments of the imagination are certainly real. Perceptions of others and manufactured observances seem to be rampant within the minds of this ADD, ADHD world. Could it be that even this writing is nothing more than a figment of the imagination of the writer who is not really here, but is here, unless there has been some sort of castigating apparition who has been punching these keys.

By the way, are the readers also figments too? One may never know but live happily ever after in the imaginative bliss.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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