Monday, September 26, 2011

Mail Slots

A little girl walked beside her grandfather as they entered the post office after hours. She watched as her “Papa” walked over to a large wall where there was a small rectangular slot cut into a brass frame. She watched as her grandfather placed letter after letter inside the slot, and the letters disappeared. “Papa” she asked, “Where do the letters go?” The grandfather smiled and said, “Honey, there are large containers on the other side of this wall, and when someone puts a letter inside people gather the letters and send them to whomever they are addressed.” The little girl placed her index finger on the side of her head and began to tap it slightly and said, “But how do you know that the letter will get to them?” “Well,” began the Grandfather, “Most of the time the letters do get where they are supposed to be, but I suppose there are some times when they get lost.” The little girl tapped the side of her head again and said, “Hmm, that's what must happen with Daddy.” With a puzzled look the Grandfather asked his grand-daughter, “What do you mean, honey?” “Every time I send him a note to let him know I love him he never tells me he got it, so it must have got lost in the mail.”

People often put mail in other people's slots. Sometimes it is in the form of a compliment, and other times it is a simple hello. Sometimes there is a certain surprise that is given, and other times the effort is blatantly obvious. Whichever the case, the one who puts the letter in expects that it will get to the intended destination, and unfortunately, many times the recipient never gets the mail. Mail goes in, but nothing comes back. Efforts are tried, but there are no responses, and soon a person decides to never mail again.

So, who's been sending mail lately? Who's expecting a letter? Who's been sending emails, phone calls, text messages and other communications where not a single response is given? Maybe it's time to check the mail, and see if there is anyone who has been putting mail into the slot and getting nothing in return.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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