Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Doctrine for Aged Women Part 3 Titus 2:5 - Equipped for Battle

After two previous verses that we have studied from Paul the apostle's writings to Titus, we might think that he had adequately addressed the aged women. However, Paul has one more verse of exhortation for Titus in addressing aged women. His words in chapter two and verse five were very challenging for Paul's day, and they are probably even more so today. He wrote:

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

In addition to aged women behaving holy, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things such as teaching young women to be sober while loving their husbands and children, Paul instructs Titus to teach aged women to be and teach the way of being “discreet”. The idea is that they will be of a sound mind, within their senses, and curbing desires and impulses. They must be self-controlled, and temperate. In other words they are not to be as unbridled animals, but rather within bounds. An indiscriminate woman is often a disgrace upon herself, her family and friends. Paul says, Titus, teach aged women to be and teach young women to be discreet.

Next Paul adds that aged women are to be and teach young women how to be “chaste” which means excitingly reverent, venerable, sacred, pure from carnality and modest. They are to be “clean.” Purity in word, dress, locations and attitude is very important to keeping a home that is honorable before God. The lack of chastity does much to destroy a home especially when an aged woman or young woman has no regard for how she acts or behaves before others.

Along with being discreet and chaste, Paul says that aged women are to be and teach being “keepers at home.” Women are fantastic in most cases of setting the tone of the home. This tone is reflected by how an aged woman and young woman cares for her house as a watcher and keeper of household affairs. Today many women work outside of the home in our society, however, when they are in their homes, the way they keep their homes will affect everyone who lives there.

Paul says that aged women are to be and teach how to be“good”. The simplicity of being “good” may seem trivial, but the emphasis by Paul implies the necessity of it. The idea insinuated is that she is to be of good constitution or nature. She is to be useful, salutary, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy and honorable. This enviable attitude is a blessing in any home, and when an aged woman or young woman exemplifies this behavior the entire home is affected by it.

In addition to being “good” aged women are also to be and teach how to be “obedient to their own husbands.” This one line is probably one of the most difficult for women to comply with today. The idea of obedience seems so derogatory to many, but the understanding of the word is “to arrange under, to subordinate, be subject to one's control”. It means to yield to one's admonition or advise which denotes conversation and input from the aged woman. This never means to be a “doormat” but rather one who contributes and yet yields to the decision that is made. The key to obedience to this directive is to realize that subjection to this doctrine is to be subject toward God rather than just to their husband.

The final part of this verse gives us the reason that the previous traits must be taught to aged women, “that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Herein lies the importance of Titus teaching the aged women to teach the young women the previously mentioned doctrine. God's word may be blasphemed if the aged women and young women do not practice these traits. Acting one way in the church and another way at home only brings reproach upon the word of God. Poor behavior and disregard to God's ways only confuses those who observe Christian women whether young or aged, and this behavior can lead to unbelief. The word of God is in effect reproached, and those who are onlookers will rail, revile, calumniate, and blaspheme the very God who gave this doctrine. No Godly woman should desire that the word of God is disrespected because of their attitudes and behaviors, and obedience to these characteristics will insure that it is not.

Next time we will discover Paul's exhortation to Titus for young men, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, www.amazon.com ; www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at www.mrzlc.com/bookstore


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