Monday, April 18, 2016

Beyond the Rivers of Ethiopia Zephaniah 3:10

According to Zephaniah the prophet, once the LORD “poured out” His “indignation upon” the “nations and kingdoms” which surrounded “Judah and Jerusalem”, He was to give them a “pure language” whereby they would“all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.” Zephaniah continued his prophesy in chapter three and verse ten as he referred to the “offering” which would be brought to the LORD “from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia” where we read:

From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed,
shall bring my offering.

The verse begins, “From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed,...” Zephaniah began, “From beyond” or “the region across or from the opposite side” “the rivers” which refers to “streams” “of Ethiopia” which is the Hebrew word “Cush” and means “black” and was “the northern people who descended from Cush” “my suppliants” or “worshippers like unto odoriferous smoke or burning incense” “even the daughter” which refers to “young women as in a relationship such as a branch or company” “of my dispersed” or “scattered, spread abroad and overflowing to the breaking point”. When the LORD took command by defeating the foes of “Judah”, even those in the northern areas “beyond the rivers of Ethiopia” would be subject to Him.

The verse goes on to say, “... shall bring my offering.” Zephaniah continued to share what these people would do as he wrote, “shall bring” or “lead, carry, conduct and bear along” “my offering” which means “gift, tribute, offering, present, oblation and sacrifice”. Not only would these people “beyond the rivers of Ethiopia” be subject to the LORD, but they would also “bring gifts, offerings and sacrifices” to Him as well.

When we think through the LORD's words through Zephaniah, we understand how far reaching the LORD's desire was for people to have a relationship with Him. As He defeated the “nations and kingdoms” which surrounded “Judah and Jerusalem” and returned unto “Judah” a “pure language” whereby they would worship Him with one “consent”, the nations “beyond” the “Ethiopian” rivers would give “tribute and offerings” unto the LORD as well. Since this was so with nations which were defeated by the LORD, how much more so should it be with us who have only read or heard of such things? May the LORD Jesus help us know the importance of worshipping Him in spirit and in truth, and may the idea of us being “beyond the rivers of Ethiopia” bring awareness of our need to bring praiseworthy sacrifices and offerings unto Him.

Next time Zephaniah shares how “in that day” they shall “not be ashamed”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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