Friday, January 6, 2017


One thought 'pon reciprocity
this law of near atrocity
for all who sow verbosity
and reap vehement virtuosity

Could this be thus a seed One's sown
twas planted none but by one's own
why has one's life become unhinged
and placed one's soul in state of cringe

For that one reaps is what one sows
what one planted ''twill be one's own
Be careful one of what you say
lest reciprocity come your way

And when one wonders
why doth this come
this coined revenge
and pointed glum

Both bad and good return to you
for all of that you say and do
be careful what you do or say
lest reciprocity come your way

Lest fear o'take and worry 'vail
repent and change to His avail
those evil seeds that you have sown
those planted none but by thine own

For wipe them clean can none but He
the Master, Savior, Risen King
the seed you've sown He'll soon disprove
and reciprocity will be removed

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