One listened
'pon the speakers
of pomp and
great renown
of those both
well respected
and lesser
known did sound
What words
were these they speaking
quite long
but social
gospel wranglings
of loving
without hate
Ignore the
state of righteousness
and rather
get along
wives and parents too
and children
was their song
Include did
they the races
the creeds
what 'er beliefs
for all
things be accepted
and none
without relief
Let me be me
and you be you
was their
marks' herald cry
death hereafter
and torments
standing by
No speech of
hell nor gnashing teeth
among them
there be found
no rescue
from the afterlife
or sin's
death sentence bound
“Let's get
along” be their pet phrase
legislation make
for all who
live within this life
is all there
be at stake
Let's talk of
finance stewards too
though none
themselves be bad
their only
end is for this earth
where none
should e'er be sad
No call
“Repent thou fairing one
from all
life's sin and strife
lest thou be
found the hopeless one
eternal life”
How lost be
these who “get along”
how am'able
their paths
regard that e'r'one lost
shall stand
before God's wrath
For only sin
will last
torments' 'ever flames
and gnashing
of the teeth
For social
gospel never saves
nor moves the
Savior's reign
for only
Jesus' sacrifice
can save
sin's pending pain
Be warned
thou famous pastors
reverends, priests
to you who'll
stand before our God
and give
account of speech
What did you
teach them about sin
and judgment
yet to come
What were
your words administered
to save them
from sin's sum
From hell did
you yet save them
torment's evil fate
or give them
their fair warning
before tis
much too late?
Replace ye
not the gospel's words
of judgment,
sin and death
of Jesus and
His sacrifice
for sin's
atoning breath
Lest hand in
hand they walk along
to hell's
distressful fate
and social
gospel took them there
and found it
twas too late
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