Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Herkamer and Gertrude and The Inlaws

“He tells his mother everything,” Sally said disparagingly to Gertrude. “Everywhere we go, everything we say, and everything we do, he always tells his mother!” she continued. Gertrude listened carefully as they ambled through their morning walk. “Is he just that close to his mother?” Gertrude asked. “No! That's just it. He's not that close to her, but it's like she is his sounding board for every little area in our marriage that goes a little off.” Sally continued, “I can't do anything that pleases him any more, and the more I try, it's like his mother's eyes are watching me constantly, and if we ever go over to her house, she gives me glares like she could stare right through me. It's horrible!”

Gertrude pondered Sally's statements as they approached the closing point of their walk and stopped just short of their normal finish. “Sally,” Gertrude began, “I'm not really sure what to tell you, but would you mind if I shared this with Herkamer? Sometimes he has some great insight into these things, and I think he might be helpful.” Sally put her hands in her face and cried. Through her tears she managed to nod her head and whisper, “I'm desperate. Please talk to him about it.”

Gertrude hugged Sally, and they finished their walk. As they approached their cars, Gertrude assured Sally that everything would work out, and they waved a simultaneous goodbye.

Gertrude drove home and found Herkamer working on a project on the front porch. It was the lawn weed eater again, and Gertrude knew that if he started working on that thing, everyone should stay clear. She waved and said “Good Morning” to him, but decided to wait until that project was over before she said anything about Sally.

Suddenly she heard the little motor running, and Herkamer say, “Yah-hoo!”. It seemed that this time there was favor when repairing the motor, and Gertrude knew this would now be a great opportunity to talk about Sally. She walked back to the porch, opened the front door and said, “Herky, can I talk with you about one of my friends for a moment?”

Stay tuned tomorrow for more of the story. Same blog time. Same blog place. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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