Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just Passing Through

The bold red letter sign read, “No Trespassing. Violators will be prosecuted!” The older man looked at the sign and proceeded to pass by the warning as though he never saw it. His eight year old grandson was with him and said, “Granddaddy, that sign said No Trespassing.” Why are we walking through anyhow?” The kindly grandfather looked at his grandson with care in his eyes and said, “Because I put up the sign, and we're simply passing through.”

There are some limitations within a person's life. Some are others imposed, and some are imposed by oneself. Some things are attempted, and other things are omitted. Some things will never be done because others will not allow, elect or permit, and some things will never be done because a person never attempts, undertakes or tries. Some realize that they are simply passing through, and others waste valuable time before they realize the walk is almost over.

One of the keys to moving beyond the norm and reaching forward to greater heights, greater depths and greater feats is to realize that each person is simply passing through. “No Trespassing” signs may be posted, but each person's answer is found when a he or she realizes that those self imposed signs are territories upon which he or she may walk and probably should.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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