Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Demetrius' Good Report 3 John 12 - Equipped for Battle

Have your ever been around someone who brags on themselves all the time? They are great at this, they are great at that, and if there was anyone anywhere who has ever been involved in what they are involved in, there is no one greater than they? Perhaps we all have, and we often roll our eyes in unbelief. But when we hear someone boast about another person, we are soon to be tuned in, ready to hear, and often desire to discover this individual ourselves. Such is the case today when we read what John the apostle has to say about a man named “Demetrius”. John wrote in the book of Third John in verse twelve:

Demetrius has good report of all [men], and of the truth itself: yes, and we [also] bear record; and you know that our record is true.

Unlike Diotrephes of whom we have been studying, Demetrius was commended by John. Some suppose that John possibly sent this letter to Gaius to whom this letter is addressed by the hand of Demetrius. Notice with me, “Demetrius has a good report of all men”. What a declaration and testimony this is. More and more it is difficult to find a person who has a “good report” of a few men never-mind “all men”, and yet, Demetrius lived his life in such a manner.

Secondly, Demetrius didn't just have a good report of all men, but also “of the truth itself.” Many people represent all kinds of ideas today, but they are not necessarily the “truth”. John has been heavily emphasizing all throughout his three letters named after himself how important “the truth in love” is. Demetrius has been living proof of it, and others bear witness of him walking in this manner.

Thirdly, John narrows the group of those who report well of Demetrius to himself and his small group. They also speak highly of Demetrius, and then as if to add emphasis, John declares that Gaius knows that his record or testimony is true, and thereby concludes three proofs that Demetrius should be commended.

But what about us? Do others have good reports of us? If the truth were put on the witness stand, would our lives bear witness that we abide by it? If John knew us today would he say of us as he did of Demetrius? Perhaps in considering these things we should examine not just our own testimony of ourselves but the testimony of others, and should we conclude that we do align with Demetrius, the truth, and perhaps even John himself, we then might be considered one of “good report” as well.

Next time we shall take a look at what John has to say as he begins to close his small book named Third John, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at

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