Saturday, June 2, 2012

Prosper and Be in Health 3 John 2 - Equipped for Battle

It is not very often that we are allowed to look inside a personal letter written from one person to another. However, we have the privilege to read the words from John the apostle who refers to himself as “the elder” to his “well beloved Gaius”. We learned yesterday that God has used John to write his letters to the church in First John, to a woman and her family in Second John, and now to an individual in Third John. God desires to have fellowship with each of us personally, and as we read and study the personal words of John to Gaius, we shall gain some insight about ourselves as well. Let's look at John's greeting to Gaius in Third John verse two:

Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

Notice again John's use of the word “Beloved”. John is known as the “apostle of love” and over and over we have seen him use love as his theme for relating to God and one another. Next, we see the greeting that John gives to Gaius “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health”. Some have taken this greeting and made it as though it is some formula for being prosperous and healthy. Some believe that it is actually a greeting from God, and if a person uses this path, there will be prosperity and health, but there is no indication that this is so. Rather it is much like a greeting that we would give to one of our friends when we meet them. We desire that blessings are upon them and not curses. We might say “God bless you” or “Have a great day”, however just because we said these words is no magic formula. But what a great greeting John does give.

It is interesting to look at the relationship that John associates between Gaius' soul prospering and he personally prospering and being in health. There does seem to be a direct relationship between the attitude and outlook of a person who has a soul in fellowship with God and one who does not. We all have bad days and times, however, when we are attentive to our souls prospering, our view on life and its circumstances are much different. This is why it is so important to follow the truth of God in love on a constant basis. Personal Bible reading and study, church attendance, fellowship with other believers, and sharing about Jesus Christ with others will keep us in a state of “soul prospering”. So often when we get depressed, moody, fearful, and gloomy when our souls are misaligned. Perhaps today we should examine our souls. Are our souls prospering? How is our attitude on the events in our lives? How are we toward others? Are we “prospering and in good health”? If the answer is “yes”, then we will rise above any circumstance or situation that enters our lives. If the answer is “no”, today is a great day for us to reread the greeting that John shares with Gaius, and purpose to align our souls with Jesus Christ and His word once again that our souls may thrive.

Next time we shall take a look at what John has to say about what he has heard about Gaius, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at

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