Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So Many Things to Write 3 John 14 - Equipped for Battle

In the days when the Bible was written, parchment paper and ink were the instruments employed to communicate through letters. John the apostle was well adapted to using them. Today we communicate very easily through cell phones, videos, emails, texts and the like. Sometimes when our written words are received it is difficult to know the intent or emotion behind the words. We often spend time wondering just what exactly the text or email means not only in words, but also in spirit. John the apostle begins to conclude his book named Third John by expressing to Gaius, the recipient of this book, by noting the following in verse thirteen:

I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto you:

It took a lot of time to write a letter in John's day, so when he wrote to Gaius his letter was short and to the point. Evidently John had much more to say to Gaius, but rather than write the words, he desired to share them in person. We can note that earlier John referred to dealing with Diotrephes when he came, so more than likely John knew he would visit Gaius soon.

But what can we take from this short little verse? First, do we have things to say to people that we would rather communicate in person? Perhaps there are intentions that we desire not to be shared in an unintended way, so we would rather speak to them face to face.

Next maybe a hand-held letter will be a good option. Letters have been replaced by emails and text messages in today's world to the point that a hand-held letter might be a pleasant surprise. Although intentions are sometimes lost in a hand-letter, the freshness of an old idea may be the answer.

Nonetheless, sometimes it is just best that we say what we want to say in person. As someone we desire to talk with sees our expressions and non-verbal communications, more than just words can deliver the message we intend to give. Sometimes there is just no way better than a face to face encounter, and John the apostle shows us today that though we have so many things to write, some words will just have to wait for a personal visit.

Next time we will take a look at John's final words in Third John, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at

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