Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lifting Our Heart with Our Hands Lamentations 3:41

After Jeremiah asked three questions which cause his readers to question and examine themselves, he begins three actions they should employ in response. The first was searching and trying their ways and turning to the LORD, and in chapter three and verse forty-one we discover the second of those directives where we read:

Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.

The verse begins, “Let us lift up our heart with our hands...” Once again Jeremiah uses the word “Let” which means “allow, let it be, and authorize”, and again he uses the word “us” which includes those to whom he is writing and himself. His command is to “lift up” or “bear up and carry” “our heart” which is our “inner man, mind, will, soul, and understanding” “with our hands” or with the “palm, hand, sole, palm of the hand, hollow or flat of the hand”. If we use our imaginations we can picture putting our hearts and souls within the palm of our hands and lifting them up toward the sky.

The verse continues, “...unto God in the heavens.” It is one thing to lift up our hearts in our hands, but it is quite another to whom we lift it. In this case Jeremiah encourages those who will adhere to his exhortation to lift up their souls “unto God in the heavens”. There is no greater place to lift up our hearts, and once a person has searched, tried and turned their ways, the natural response is to lift their souls towards God in heaven.

Have we examined ourselves and found that we have great need to “lift up our heart with our hands unto God”? Do our souls cry out for the Almighty in the midst of our deprivation? Perhaps as we ponder this verse we too will allow ourselves to hold as it were our hearts in our hands, lift them towards the God in heaven, and allow Him to direct us in His providential care.

Next time we will see Jeremiah's directive concerning transgression and rebellion, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.
Until tomorrow...there is more...
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