Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Good and Acceptable 1 Timothy 2:3

Paul the apostle gave Timothy his “son in the faith” instructions concerning the church he was to oversee in Ephesus. Paul knew there were Judaizers there who were bringing in false doctrines which were not the “gospel of Jesus Christ”, and Timothy was charged to be strong against them. Paul first instruction for Timothy was that he be a man of prayer who made “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks” “for all men;”, and the priority of those “men” or “people” was to be for “Kings” or head leaders and “all those in authority”. In chapter two and verse three of his letter to Timothy, Paul wrote that this practice was “good and acceptable” with God where we read:

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;

The verse begins, “For this is good and acceptable...” Paul employed the word “For” to begin this verse which means “because or since” “this is good” or “beautiful, handsome, excellent, eminent, choice, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable, genuine and approved”. Praying for “all men” and particularly “people in leadership” is a beautiful, excellent and admirable trait. In addition Paul added, “and acceptable” which means “accepted, received and agreeable”. Not only is prayer for “all men” and “those in authority” an admirable practice, but it is an agreeable characteristic as well.

The verse continues, the sight of God our Savior;” In addition to being “good and acceptable”, Paul declared where Timothy's acts of prayer would be, “in the sight” or “in the presence of, before, or in that place over, against, opposite of any one and towards which another turns his eyes” “of God” which means “the trinity and one and only true God” “our Savior” or “deliverer and preserver”. When Timothy prayed for “all men” and the “Kings and all those in authority” he would do so in the presence of Almighty God, and he would be as one who “turns the eyes” of God toward him when he did.

When we meditate upon Paul's words, we can see great approval for the act of prayer. Not only is it admirable and precious among men, but it is also “good and acceptable” before God. Let us think about this for a moment. While we pray and intercede on behalf of the authorities whom the Lord God Almighty has placed in charge over us, we have Him as our approving audience, and He sees our prayers as “good”. His eyes are turned upon us, and we have His full attention as we express ourselves before Him on their behalf. What a joy it is to think that the God of the Universe has us in His focus, and we have the opportunity to do “good and acceptable” things before Him in Jesus' name.

Next time Paul shares how many people God wants to be saved, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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