Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Office of a Bishop 1 Timothy 3:1

As Paul continued his instructions to Timothy his young “son in the faith”, he transitioned in the third chapter from a discourse upon the women in the church to the “bishops” in the church. We discover what Paul wrote to Timothy concerning “bishops” in verse one where we read:

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desires a good work.

The verse begins, “This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop,...” Paul began, “This is a true” or “trusty, faithful and reliable” “saying” which means “speech, word, doctrine, teaching or discourse” “If a man” or “whoever or any man” “desire” which means “to stretch one's self out in order to touch or to grasp or reach after something” “the office of a bishop” which in Greek is “episkope” and literally means “investigation, inspection and visitation” and refers to an “overseer, elder or presiding officer” within a church. Paul wanted Timothy to know that men would desire to grasp the position of a “bishop” or “overseer” within the church in Ephesus. Paul's idea was to guide Timothy when those men revealed themselves.

The verse continues, “...he desires a good work.” Paul went on to add, “he desires” or “turns upon a thing, longs for and covets” “a good” which means “beautiful, handsome, excellent, eminent, choice, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable, magnificent, good, excellent in its nature and characteristics, genuine, approved, praiseworthy, noble, comforting and confirming” “work” or “business, employment, that which any one is occupied, act, deed or thing done”. Paul wanted to insure Timothy knew just how wonderful the “office of a bishop” was in the kingdom of God, and those who desired to be “bishops” were longing for an excellent position.

While we think about Paul's words, we may be inclined to think about those who have held the “office of a bishop” or “overseer” in our lives. Many of them are called “Pastors” rather than “bishops”, but they still “oversee” a group of people. Paul told Timothy these men “desire” a “good work”, and though their works are often unseen, the Lord Jesus is watching every one of them. It was Jesus who began the church, and the “office of a bishop” was one of the ways order and care was established within it. We would do well to pray for our Pastors and “Bishops” as we conclude this study and thank the Lord for placing the “desire” for the “good work” that they do.

Next time Paul begins to list the qualities a “bishop” must contain, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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