Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Abundant Wisdom and Prudence Ephesians 1:8

Paul the apostle declared, “we have redemption through” Jesus' “blood”, and this provides “forgiveness of sins” which is “according to the riches of his grace”. In chapter one and verse eight of his letter to the Ephesian church, Paul continued his description of God's grace as He announces how He has “abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence”. We read:

Wherein he has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

The verse begins, “Wherein he has abounded toward us...” Paul began with the word, “Wherein” or “that and which” “he has abounded” which means “exceeds a fixed number of measure, left over and above a certain number or measure and overflowing” “toward us” or “unto, towards, for and among Paul and the Ephesisans”. As though the “grace” of God wasn't enough, the Lord extended it to us abundantly and overflowingly.

The verse continues, “... in all wisdom and prudence;” Paul added, “in all wisdom” which means “all broad and full of intelligence and use of the knowledge of very diverse matters“and prudence” or “understanding, knowledge and holy love of the will of God”. The encompassing distribution of the “grace” of God was provided with “all” the “fullness of intelligence and use of the knowledge” and “holy love of the will of God” that is available.

When we think through these words of Paul, we overwhelmingly admire how gracious the Lord Jesus is to us. Not only did He sacrifice His blood for us which provided the “forgiveness of our sins”, but He did so with “overflowing” “wisdom, understanding and holy love of the will of God”. As we consider this, may all praise be unto the Lord God Almighty for His extensive and “abundant” gifts toward those who believe in His Son Jesus.

Next time Paul shares the “mystery” of the Lord's “will”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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