Saturday, May 19, 2018

God Reveals His Secret Amos 3:7

When the prophet Amos foretold the judgment the LORD was to bring upon His people Israel, he chose as examples “a lion and a young lion”, “a bird caught in a snare” and “a trumpet and evil” being present within a city to describe the necessity for their “punishment”. In chapter three and verse seven of his prophesy, Amos share how although God “will do nothing”, He “reveals his secret unto his servants” where we read:

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets.

The verse begins, “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing,...” Amos began with the word, “Surely the Lord” which refers to “the title spoken in place of Yahweh in Jewish display of reverence“GOD” which refers to “Yehovah or Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name of the one true God” “will do nothing” or “fashion, accomplish, make and produce not a business, occupation, act or matter”. The idea is that people think “the LORD” would not bring judgment upon Israel for their insubordination against Him.

The verse continues, “...but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos added, “but” which is a disassociation conjunction that means what is about to be written takes precedence over what was just stated, “moreover, nevertheless and nonetheless” “he reveals” or “uncovers, removes, departs and makes to go into exile” “his secret” which means “the LORD's council, counsel, assembly, divan, company or circle of friends” “unto his servants” or “bondmen” “the prophets” which refers to “the speakers, spokesmen and inspired men”. Although the people in Israel thought God would do nothing about their disobedience, “the LORD” shared His intentions with His chosen “speakers and inspired men”.

When we meditate upon these words of Amos, we see how the absence of God's “punishment” can be mistaken for “ignorance, lethargy or apathy”. Because He did not bring judgment immediately upon Israel for their transgressions, their people thought he did not care about the way they behaved. However, God revealed his “secrets” to His “prophets”, and His punishment was certain to come. We have been given the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Just because it appears that God is “doing nothing” about our sin doesn't mean it isn't on His agenda. We must receive Jesus Christ's sacrificial offering of His life for our sin while we have the opportunity, and should we continue to reject Him, He has revealed through His prophets the destruction that is in our future.

Next time Amos shares how the “lion roars” and “God speaks”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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