Sunday, July 31, 2011

Worth the Risk

A little girl stands on a high dive contemplating the water below. Fear has overtaken her, and now she has a decision to make. Does she jump or does she climb back down the ladder where awaiting children are ready for their turn? Will she make the leap and risk physical damage, or turn back and suffer emotional trauma? Will this leap be worth the risk?

Life presents itself like that little girl sometimes. Should he take that job? Should she try that position? What happens if they make this turn or choose that direction? What if the money is put there or invested in that? Does taking those vows mean everything will be good or bad? If that contract is signed, what will be the repercussions? Will these decisions be worth the risk?

Risk involves some measure of faith and hope. One believes that there is to be a certain outcome, and that same person usually hopes that outcome becomes true. It doesn't always work out that way, but none-the-less, the faith and hope are initially there. Whether the venture be marriage, a major purchase such as a car or house, a treatment for health related symptoms, or other risk oriented steps in life, people put faith in the decisions they make and then hope those decisions are right.

Some risk is forced where there is no other choice but the one before, however, other risk is by one's own desire. The key element is to decide which category the risk lies within. If there is no other choice, then the risk must be taken, but if there are other options, then the risk should be assessed as to its worth compared with other alternatives.

A simple question can be used to measure this, “Is this worth the risk?” If “yes” is the answer, then go for it. If the answer is“no”, think real hard before making a leap into the waters below.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Opportunity Knocks

It's that time of year again. School is just around the corner, and families are considering their purchases of school clothing and supplies. Pants, shirts, shoes and socks, pens, pencils, crayons and paper will be bought at stores all over this awesome country. It serves as a great reminder to a story told long ago about a little twelve year old boy who was in such a time. It serves as a lesson when opportunity knocks.

His anticipation of the new school year was on the horizon, and very soon, he would be back at the books again. Although he didn't like school very much, there was a certain regard for how he would look when he arrived. He had a need for school clothes, and he wasn't very certain where or if they would come. Oh, many of the other children had parents who simply made it part of their routines to buy new clothes at that time of year, but not this little boy. Rather than just have them given to him, he wondered if they would ever arrive at all.

One day the little boy's father came toward him pushing a lawn mower. His dad stopped just short of the young lad, let go of the mower handles, and said, “There's your school clothes” and walked off. It didn't take very long for the boy to get the message. If he desired school clothes, he was going to have to earn the money to pay for them himself. Opportunity was knocking, and the little boy answered the call.

Today, this father might seem seem “mean”, “unconscionable” and boarder on a call to the HRS, but then it produced “work ethic”, “self-drive” and “personal gratification”. Mean? Maybe. But then again, maybe, there should be a few more mowers handed out rather than the produce the character that the“entitlement” mentality has provided today.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Bits

The story is told of a little boy who desired to be a part of purchasing at an auction. Because the times were before the days of registration, pre-approval, certification and verification, almost anyone could patronize the auction of various goods and bid. As every item went up for bid at the auction, the auctioneer would hear the young lad bid loudly, “Two bits!”. No matter what the item was, whether a washing machine, automobile, bicycle, lawn mower or otherwise, the little boy would only bid, “Two bits!”

The value of every item exceeded the small twenty five cent, “Two-bits” the boy was bidding, but still he continued to bid at that number. Item after item went through the auction at much higher levels until the auctioneer was exhausted at the little fellow's bidding and yelled, “Son, take your two bits and get out of here!” The boy left rejected and dejected, but none-the-less knew that all he had in his pocket was “two bits” to bid. Only later in life did he learn the process for future engagement required more than tenacity from the auction's perspective, but his inward drive developed through the auctioneer's malicious act.

Sometimes the wherewithal that a person has limits their ability to engage, but they continue to pursue the process. Sometimes there are no more resources than those afforded to them through education, monies, ability or sagacity, and yet they enter the process. “Two bits” of tenacity will prevail through some of the toughest auctions and auctioneers, and the one who values this sort of heart will be the one who buys rather that the one who just runs his mouth.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last One Standing

t's called the “Battle Royal”. It contains many contestants who all contend for one final prize. “King of the Hill”, “Head of the Class”, “Top of the Heap” and “Sole Survivor” are some of the titles. The gamesmanship is on, and those who believe themselves to be the best of the best compete. Whether it is the victor in a Wimbledon tennis match or the World Series only changes the venue, the premise is still the same: win, and at all costs, be the last one standing.

Yet, how many people even have a cause for which they desire to be the last one standing? Those who compete and engage at those levels there are very few. Most never find a reason for which to go all out, fight to the end, struggle past all the rest, and make it to the finish line first. What would be worth it, and what would make a person desire to pay the ultimate price?

If the ultimate price were paid, what would be the final outcome, what would be the final reward? Would the result be a trophy, a little recognition or a temporary ribbon? Would the victor be able to ride in the parade, meet the President or have a few moments of media shower? Maybe a plague would be place or a statue erected in honor? The title would read, “So and So, the last one standing,” but even those fade away.

So temporal, so temporal, the prize they would contend,

So temporal, so temporal for many to pretend.

So temporal, so temporal whenever one competes,

For that which is fleeting and never does repeat.

For that which is temporal the last one standing contends,

Often forbearing that which never ends.

The difference is major, the energies employed,

Shall one day be determined and never be enjoyed.

For that which was temporal had the greater spot,

And those who competed fought for that which is not.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On Suffering

Why does a five year old boy sit in a cancer ward at Saint John's Mercy Medical Center with a balding head and sick from chemotherapy? Why does a would be mother have miscarriage after miscarriage when she has no greater desire than to have a child? Why does a little girl growing up in the poverty zones in India have to desire just a morsel of food when a little girl in Indianapolis Indiana can have all the fast food she can manage to eat? Why does a little incontinent Haitian boy have to wear a man's wore out shirt because of his urinating problem?

On and on questions may for suffering that seems so unfair in this world. Many questions on suffering relate to “unfair” early deaths, lack of quality of life or deficiency in necessities. There seems to be a common thread by which people evaluate suffering though, and that is that if they were in control of things, things would not be this way. That is probably the rub in the matter.

Statements are made such as: “If I were the boss, this wouldn't be this way” or “If I were God, that wouldn't be that way” or “If I had any control over it, this would stop now” or “If they let me be in charge, things would be different.” Quite possibly that last of those statements is the most feasible. Things would certainly be “different”, but as many know now, “Change” for “Change” sake, doesn't always mean better.

No, as long as man lives, part of living includes suffering, and if one lives long enough, he or she is guaranteed to have his or her share. (Possibly even more than their share). The sooner one accepts that there will be suffering in life, and sometimes what seems like “unfair” suffering, the sooner he or she will develop a posture that helps them make it through those times of pain and want until the suffering disappears.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sabotaged Monotony

The story is told of men who would cut off their pinkie fingers in a large fender press because they could collect three thousand dollars and two weeks vacation. Another man took the cut outs from the fire walls from motor vehicles and put them in the engines of new Buicks on an assembly line. This caused every seventh engine to fail. Another man would urinate in every sixth batch of pickles because it would take about that long to have to go again. /(Think about that one the next time they are on a sandwich.) Why? Why in the world would anyone anywhere think of such sabotage? Why would anyone risk a finger, destroy an engine, dis-flavor pickles to put it lightly? Monotony.

Day after day after day doing the same thing over and over again. Pick up the steel, pull the lever, allow the press to work, pull out the fender, put it in a pile; or punch the holes, save the disks, throw them away, punch the holes save the disks, throw them away; or pull the tub, mix the solution, sift out the bad pickles, push the tub away, pull the tub, mix the solution, sift out the bad pickles, push the tub, after day, after day, after day. Some are tired just thinking about it, but it's a job right?

Somewhere along the path a line is crossed, and insanity sets in. How does one who has such monotony do anything about it? How does the pattern alter and the programed response and reactions change? Simply do something different? Drive a new way to work? Take a break at a different time? Look for another job? Change work out programs? Move to another town? Take a trip to the beach, mountains or Disney? Whichever it might be, the key is to sabotage monotony before the monotony sabotages you.

Until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...Why Say Why Say Why Say More?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Who You Be?

A decision is being made right now. In fact, many decisions are being made right now. What shall I wear? What shall I eat? When shall I leave? Where shall I go first? Which errand has the greatest priority? What shall I do with the kids? Do, do, do, and do again. Much of these are about “doing”, “Things to do” and Things to say”. But what about just “being?”

Many people define themselves by what they “do” rather than what they “be.” One will hear them say, “I did this” and “I did that”. They will chime in “I have to do this” and “ I have to do that”, and in the midst of all their “doing” they forget you they are, or to use poor grammar “who they be”.

Today if one will take the time to really ask the question, “Who am I” or even deeper “Who do others see that I am?”, there may be a discovery made that they are defined by their jobs, their tasks, and their errands rather than their soul. So, today, “Who be you?” That's the question, and only the one who will “be” shall be able to answer it.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shake a Leg

They were all playing in the front room when the grand command came. It was the famous not so famous Uncle Jim with his dominant tone and intimidating directive. “Get to the car,” he spoke with his Northern accent toward his children who were entangled in other activities. Still, there was no response from them and certainly no movement toward obeying what he said. But then, without regard to anyone or anything else his most notable words would come, “Shake a leg!” was pronounced with authority, and the children scampered like mice in sudden light.

“Shake a leg”. In other words, get a move on, get going, begin some activity, and make it quick. One would hardly think those are fitting words for the couch potato, nor are they appropriate for the one who simply turns side to side to side just laying in his or her bed. They might be best suited for people of that ilk, however, many of them only ignore the directive and go back to sleep or to their movie once again.

No, the saying, “Shake a leg” is probably best used on those who have ambition within, desire inside, and just need a little push to get them going at what they already know to do. Some are on the edge and ready to make the move. Others are getting closer, but fear has them tied down. Possibly there are still other with whom others surrounding them impede. Whichever the area, when these know the timing is right, the direction is clear, the vision is coming to light, it is indeed time to “shake a leg” and find the treasure that is waiting for the one who dares to move.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another MRZ CENTRE Outreach Story

He's a tall African American male and wears an older tweed jacket and carries a darker wooden cane. His brown beret covers his aged head, and he walks slowly among the crowd. Because of his height, he towers over most who are there, and his presence is one that is a mystery. He gathers nothing. He desires nothing, and although the groceries, clothing, shoes and books are available, he takes advantage of none of them. He simply walks among the crowd.

He talks to people who are guests, and he visits with people who are volunteers. Every once in a while he likes for someone to pray for him, and his encouragement is visibly seen when he leaves their presence. Who is he? Where does he come from, and how did he find out about the outreach? None really know. In fact, all that any know is that he goes by the name of “Griffin”.

One is told in a very ancient manuscript “some have entertained angels unawares”, but “Griffin” an angel? One would seriously doubt it. However, he behaves like one, and the very demeanor of this towering man is infectious and causes many to speak with him. “Griffin” simply becomes another reason to motivate human kindness and benevolence to those who have less than others. Griffin becomes a model for giving to others what is needed most; companionship and love.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Every Idle Word

He said this, and she said that. They said that thing, and those people said that. So many words spoken, and so many words shared. How is it that communication has come to such an incredible height? Did you hear what she said? Do you know what he told us? When we were with her the other day she talked about this, and when they were with him he talked about that. Words, words, everywhere words that seek to communicate, seek to convey, and seek to allow others to know what is inside, but what if there was an accounting for every word? What if a person was recorded for every single phrase? What if there was a reconciliation day for every idle word?

How many words would be spoken if there was a genuine accounting for every idle word that is said? How many people would be debased, put down or ridiculed? How many times would political bantering be silenced or demagog like rhetoric be squelched? Would conversations be less in length, tainted with grace, and more to the point? Would court rooms be more silent, classes less verbose, and meetings shorter in time?

There is an old saying that applies, “It is better for someone to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Maybe today, more will be said with less words to account for whenever the day of idle words appears.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pile Another One On?

A young man was sitting at his office desk when he noticed that his waste paper basket was getting full. As a favor to the janitorial crew, he decided to take his trash for the day outside early and relieve some of the custodial duties. As he walked along the corridor of offices, soon others began to notice him carrying his basket. One called out, “Hey, could you wait a second. I have my trash here too,” and he proceeded to give the co-worker his trash bag. A woman saw him, and said, “and here's mine,” and dumped her bag on top of the other two. One by one worker after worker in the office piled their trash on until the generous man could hardly see where he was going. It seemed that the more trash he had on him, the more people were willing to pile their garbage on him too.

Finally, the garbage bearing man reached the outside trash bin where he relieved himself of the load, and he turned to walk back inside the office. One by one those who had piled their loads on him now began to call him names, “Hey, trash boy,” one called out with laughter in his voice, “could you come back by tomorrow. I'll have another load for you!” “Yeah, garbage man,” another yelled and laughed, “Next time I'll be sure to pour my coffee out inside the bag for you.” Another lady giggled and said, “Oh you just wait till you find what I put in my bag,” and the whole office roared in a loud “Oooooooooooooo”.

The sullen young man who was now a bit stained from carrying the refuse of others walked back to his station, and turned a little reminder sign toward him that he always kept on his desk. It said, “Bear ye one another's burdens,” and he smiled and said softly to himself, “Wow, that one costs, doesn't it?”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Aftermath Before

What would it be like if a person were able to discover in advance what would be the results if he or she makes a certain decision? What marriages would occur, jobs taken, children birthed, or person elected? What house would or would not be bought, or what stock would or would not be sold? What business would be started or what experiment would be tried if one knew in advance the aftermath before?

Risk incurs a certain amount of trust, however, in reality, the trust is somewhat unreliable. Certainly the faith is only as good as the object in which one places it within, so there is a chance that a person might be wrong. Results are generally seen in the aftermath well after the decision has been made or the signature has been applied.

So, what is one to do? One certain movie demonstrated in advance the repercussions from making a certain judgment call as pertaining to a reputation, and the results altered the beginning choice. That's really nice in the movies, but how does it apply to “real life” where there is no crystal ball to see into the future? Maybe, to the best of one's ability, venturing down that path in the mind may help, or seeking a multitude of counselors may aid, but whichever pathway one chooses to try to see the aftermath before, the investment in that discover may deliver from painful outcomes that a person would rather never endure.

Oh, and by the way, “nothing ventured, nothing gained?”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Swing and a Miss

One of the favorite phrases spoken in baseball is “swing and a miss.” The saying is shared when a batter attempts to hit a pitch that is thrown but misses the ball completely. Some of these attempts end with a strike-out, and others are ones that are leading to another throw. When attempting some ventures, if one dares, there will be times where there is a total “swing and a miss.” Unless a person stops playing the game completely, he or she doesn't have to allow the missed pitch be the last. No, for many, the failed attempt is just another opportunity to step to the plate once again.

How about it? Has there even been an “at bat” or is there only conversation and speculation as to what one would do should he or she ever step into the rectangular box? Most do sit as spectators, but they always know how the game should be played. Most never even grab the bat, but they can tell how to swing it, and most never even enter the game and rather than enter the game, they simply sit comfortably on their couch or office chair with the all the correct answers and plays.

Oh, they will sound smart, but their actions are contrary. They will always have a smart alec comment, but their resume' is deplete of attempts. In fact, most never even know what it is to “swing and miss” because they never have the heart to face the hard ball.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Meaningful Expressions

Two girls were sitting in a mall food court when they began this conversation. “There it is, and there it is again. He did it first, then she. It was that look. You know, that look when there is more in mind than just a simple greeting. It begins with a glance, and now it is a lingering stare. How about that look? Which one? The over there. Ooo, that one looks mean. It does, doesn't it. And he is so ugly too.

I think he's creepy. Me too, but we really don't know very much about him now do we? Nor do we want to. Look at her. Who? Her? Isn't she the stylist of the week. High fashion for sure. Uh oh, looks like she has a lunch date with that guy in the fancy suit. Don't they look happy? They sure do, but it's probably not his wife then.”

Both girls begin to giggle, and continue their surmising of the meaningful expressions that are upon faces they observe, and their practice leads to today's thoughts.

Much information is obtained by a person's facial expressions. Some words spoken do not match the countenance of the person saying them. Without the aid of a mirror it is very difficult to really know the communication one is making. How many have been surprised by the look on their face in a photograph shown to them at a later time? One ought to at least consider the expression that is made on a driver's license for this thought. Not very many like those photos. But, facial movements and contortions do communicate, and many times the non-verbal communication expressed by the face eliminates the words or at least creates doubt within them.

So, how's the face today? What will others see? How will others respond to what they see? Will the meaningful expressions of the reader's face show care for others who surround them or become fodder for little girls chatter?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


How is it that a young boy can sever his spine from his head and live to function again? How is it that a blind man can see? How can it be that one who is deaf can hear, and is there an explanation as to how that lame man walks? Questions, questions, questions, and some sort of gobble y gook will follow as a reason. For certain there must be some physiological reaction or meta-physical accounting of such super-natural events, isn't there?

Let's see. Maybe these will help. “The earth is held up by ten elephants. No, the earth is held in place by Charles Atlas. No, wait, the earth sits upon a turtle's back, or was it four dwarfs that hold the earth's four corners? Anyway, the earth is flat, and that would make good sense that it was four dwarfs right?”

Could it be, might it be that there really is a super-natural affect that defies explanation? Could there really be a divine factor or is it just easier to accept “aliens?” One supposes that if belief is required then why is it that one believes the workings of one physician and results are favorable and one believes that same doctor and results are not so favorable? Who or what decides the outcome? How is it that one lives and the other dies from the very same infraction?

Some events are reserved and unknown by human intelligence and investigation. Some happenstances go without explanation by the best of human minds, and sometimes when something occurs outside of the bounds of acceptability, there must be an acceptance that something supernatural has occurred. There must be a realization that has not been discovered that through investigation may lead to the divine.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

In the Dark Hour

Every morning it lurks just before the sunrise. Stars have disappeared, and the moon's reflection is absent from the scene. Without the aid of light, the blackness of the night has overtaken the scene like fog on a mountain in the early fall. Quiet overtakes, and only nocturnal creatures scurry about. It's the dark hour.

For moment or two, one wonders what should it be like if this hour were to be at all times. History recorded a time when the darkness was so intense that a person could feel it. It's the blackness of the night that surrounds and makes anyone steeped within it believe that there shall be no light at the end of the tunnel for not even the tunnel can be seen. Blindness prevails, and though one open his or her eyes wide, only the night can be seen.

The world, however, goes round and round, and fortunately there is the promise of the sun. It is indeed the darkest just before the solar ball makes its appearance, but it is sure to make its rise. That which is pitch-dark now will be illuminated, and those who maintain during the dark hour are sure to enjoy clarity very soon.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pediatric Meltdown

There she stands in the middle of the isle in her favorite discount store. Three kids are surrounding her and all of them are pulling on her and asking her to buy them something. She wrestles her shopping cart past the crowds, and finally reaches the isle where the item she has bee looking for is located. Then it happens. The self is bare; the item is sold out, and now she looses it. Suddenly the torrent of words and flailing of arms begins. She rants about the traffic. She bombast the kids. She curses the store and all its employees, and she stomps her feet in a violent tirade. She is having a pediatric meltdown, and she doesn't care who knows it.

Or, he's been waiting for this game for weeks, and the big day is finally here. He' s bought the chips. The drinks are in place. The time is off from work, and now he settles in to his couch to watch the big affair. Then, it happens. The cable goes out, for the fifth time this week, and the television is fuzzy. He grabs the remote and mashes each of the forwarding buttons while talking to the television as though it could answer. “What's the matter with you?” he asks forcefully. “You stupid piece of junk!” He yells again. Still, no television. No Game, and every part of his plan is ruined. He reaches for the phone, but the dial tone isn't there. He grabs his cell phone, but the service is out. Now he yells at his phones, the animals in the house, the couch, the television and everything abound him. He is having a pediatric meltdown to the ninth degree, and he doesn't care who knows it.

What about the reader? Has he or she seen such a meltdown lately? Maybe in traffic? Or the boss? Or the person waiting in line at the tag office? Or at the counter in the local fast food place? Where shall the next pediatric meltdown appear? Over here, over there, on twitter, maybe facebook or some other technological devise? Meltdowns, meltdowns appear every day, and as long as there are humans, they'll be in the pediatric way.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Servant to the Lender

The famous Disney movie “Snow White” captures the majority of the lives in the employment world when the dwarfs sing, “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work we go.”, and thus another day “at the bone yard” begins. The difficulty with most today is that the largest portion of their earnings for their efforts go to two main sources, taxes and lenders. Taxes are inevitable with only the amount or percentage changing from time to time, however, the portion attributed to the lenders may or may not be apportioned. As an old saying goes, “the borrower is servant to the lender” and those who understand this concept will soon desire that the chains be removed.

Each hour worked and every dollar earned has a certain percentage that is being used to pay toward debt whether interest or principle, and the only way to be released from that obligation is to default and not be a person of one's word or pay the debt off. Each debt removed is like removing a binding Lordship, and the obligation to answer to those “Lords” will be dissolved. No more phone calls, no threatening letters, no monthly invoices and no further correspondence will have to be entertained at the point of repayment. In other words, the prisoner is set free.

Until then, two things are advisable. Number one, target the most restrictive and demanding “Loan”. (Or lord as some might be better off seeing it). Usually the most restrictive and demanding are those high interest credit cards or secondary loan situations. Secondly, be restricted from any further loan situations unless they are absolutely necessary. Every time a person signs an agreement to repay he or she is obligating him or herself to another servant role. In fact, a good song to remember is, “Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to being a servant again I go.” At least then a person will realize what they are really obligating themselves to when they agree to the loan. Be no longer servants, but be free.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Servant to the Lender

The famous Disney movie “Snow White” captures the majority of the lives in the employment world when the dwarfs sing, “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work we go.”, and thus another day “at the bone yard” begins. The difficulty with most today is that the largest portion of their earnings for their efforts go to two main sources, taxes and lenders. Taxes are inevitable with only the amount or percentage changing from time to time, however, the portion attributed to the lenders may or may not be apportioned. As an old saying goes, “the borrower is servant to the lender” and those who understand this concept will soon desire that the chains be removed.

Each hour worked and every dollar earned has a certain percentage that is being used to pay toward debt whether interest or principle, and the only way to be released from that obligation is to default and not be a person of one's word or pay the debt off. Each debt removed is like removing a binding Lordship, and the obligation to answer to those “Lords” will be dissolved. No more phone calls, no threatening letters, no monthly invoices and no further correspondence will have to be entertained at the point of repayment. In other words, the prisoner is set free.

Until then, two things are advisable. Number one, target the most restrictive and demanding “Loan”. (Or lord as some might be better off seeing it). Usually the most restrictive and demanding are those high interest credit cards or secondary loan situations. Secondly, be restricted from any further loan situations unless they are absolutely necessary. Every time a person signs an agreement to repay he or she is obligating him or herself to another servant role. In fact, a good song to remember is, “Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to being a servant again I go.” At least then a person will realize what they are really obligating themselves to when they agree to the loan. Be no longer servants, but be free.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Make It Go Away

A little boy was playing with his father's hammer, when his father noticed his son's carelessness. “Son,” the caring father said, “Be very careful how you use that hammer. If you use it incorrectly, there will be a heavy price to pay.” The boy listened to his father nonchalantly and continued his reckless behavior. Suddenly the hammer missed the target the boy was aiming for and hit his thumbnail instead. “Ouch, ouch, ouch!!” screamed the boy violently which caused his father to come to his aid. “Son, what happened?” the caring father asked. “I hit my thumb with the hammer,” the boy cried with tears streaming down his face, “and now it hurts so bad.” “Daddy,” the boy pleaded, “make it go away. Make it go away,” but the pain didn't subside.

The father tended to his son with care. He wrapped the wound with bandages, and covered it in ice. He moved it back and forth and massaged it all around,. but there was nothing that could be done to relieve his pain. The father knew that pain hung in the balance if the boy was careless, and now his son would simply have to endure. “Son,” the father said with tenderness in his voice, “this is why your Daddy told you to be careful with the hammer, but now I will do my best to take care of you. You, however, will have a pain to bear.” The father hugged his son, wiped his tears, and the boy fell asleep in his arms.

Fortunately in life there is a healing process that occurs when people make mistakes. Oh, time is required, and suffering is part of the path, but eventually that which hurts so much will and shall subside. Pain is an indicator that something has gone wrong, and though one might want to “make it go away” the hurt is a first agent and great reminder to never be careless with that hammer again.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Plates and Screws

There once was a man who fought in the Korean war. His plight was as fearsome as a warrior in the army could have. His capture by the Koreans was frightening, and the thoughts of torture and demise tormented his mind. Suddenly, with a small opportunity to escape, Bob, the now courageous private, takes advantage of one guard, and he is gone. Another watcher comes by, and he too is accosted. One by one Bob takes out his enemies, until he finally has a chance to run. Immediately alarms sound and the chase is on.

After running with all his might Bob suddenly sees a nearby pond. He takes his chance, dives into the pond, grabs a reed and sinks below the surface. His only breath comes from the small hole in the tube, and his chances for survival are depending on his lack of discovery. Overhead he can hear his would be captors yelling and suddenly firing their guns in and around the water. All of the sudden a piercing pain is felt in the top of Bob's head, and as he reaches the area Bob recognizes that he is wounded. He is well aware of his need for medical aid, however discovery would lead to certain death.

Bob holds his wound with his right hand and the reed in the left for what seemed like hours. Silence breaks in, and Bob believes himself to finally be alone. He has averted the captors, and he slowly rises out of the water.

Nearby the gunfire has attracted fellow soldiers, and when they see Bob rise out of the water, they come to his aid. The wound on his head is immediately noticed, and repair is imminent. The brave comrades lift Bob to carry him, and take him to be treated.

The wound required plates and screws. The wound healed. The wound was a reminder of the battle from days gone by, and the wound kept Bob from ever entering those battlefields again.

Interesting. Where are the plates and screws within others lives that remain as memories for never entering those battlefields again?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh Wretched Reflection

There they stand early in the morning. The mirror is in front, and their reflection now appear. He's dishevel and a bit unkempt, and the bags under his eyes show a lack of sleep. There's redness within them, and the weary lines are many and growing upon his brow. Her face is blank with no makeup, and the dryness of her skin forges her a much older specimen than she really is. Her hair is awry, and the crusty taste in her mouth begs for a rinse. The wretchedness of the early morning rise is upon them again, and the venues of the week demand alteration. The paths of encounters petitions cleansing, and lest one be known in all his or her actual glory, let the cleansing begin.

A little scrub here, a little shave there, a tiny push here and a bigger shove there, a small amount of this, and a bigger amount of that, and bit by bit the carcass comes alive. Painting here, brushing there, some d-o for the b-o, rinsing, swallowing, plucking, and tucking, and the once not so ready becomes the fashion king or queen of the week. Look out world, the ,wretched is looking good!

And yet, underneath, the wretched lies and lurks until another evening and another day when his or her appearance shall surely return.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

From the Battlefield

Is there not a cause? Is there not a reason? Does anyone see that this is worth saving? Does anyone know a reason why this should not be? The matter is too great, and those who venture far enough to engage will find an inward flame that cannot be quenched. It burns within the soul and drives a person to risk it all to reach it. This is purpose. This is the ultimate quest, and this venue must be reached more than living itself. Without regard to the flame within, there might as well not be breath, and beyond the redeeming factor there is no place of rest.

So, what is it that drives a person? What is it that pulls them off the proverbial couch and gives them drive? What is it that motivates without external influence? Is there such a reason to wake? Is there such a reason to breathe or shall the sloven behavior encompass the lackluster mind? Maybe, just maybe, there should be a fire lit within that will drive away apathy and push lethargy aside.

But again, that might take effort. That might take risk, and that might be costly. The battlefield is not an easy one, and many fall short for fear of the fight, but those who drive through the pain, through the fear, through the longevity, are those who find victory even when the finish line cannot be seen.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, July 8, 2011

MRZ CENTRE Outreach Grandfather of Five

Time has been kind to the round faced gentleman who graced the doors of the MRZ CENTRE Outreach. His plight for being there was driven by his son and daughter in law being incarcerated. Now, without any prior notice, he has five grandchildren to feed and clothe. They've moved in with him because there is no other place to go, and now while on a dump truck driver income he wonders from where the means will come.

That Saturday embodied relief. That Saturday meant that he could make it by. That Saturday at the MRZ CENTRE Outreach, he could find some resources to help. Oh although the food and clothing did not meet all his needs, they were temporary aid to assist him to feed and clothe the ones he loved. His smile and appreciation were all the thanks he could offer, and they were all the thanks he'd need.

MRZ CENTRE Outreach is more than food and clothing. MRZ CENTRE Outreach is more than a building or books. MRZ CENTRE Outreach is an opportunity for people to help other people make it by in these difficult and trying times. Those who volunteer there know, and those who attend there know. By far, this grand-father of five knows, and the others who walk through those doors on every second and fourth Saturday at least for a few moments relish neighbors being neighbors once again.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Florida Theater from the Ashes

Florida Theater From the Ashes


It's history is awesome. It's centrality is divine. Like a standing commemoration the Florida Theater, now MRZ CENTRE, is filled with a rich heritage and a future that is grandeur. From 1938 till the current day, the stature and eloquence of this towering structure stands for inspiration, recreation and refreshment. From the days when the building looked like this and was filled with people:

Till today where it is becoming a place of centrality once again with MRZ CENTRE Executive Fitness Club and Bagelheads:

The glorious edifice promises to become the focal point of attention again. From parades and marches

of the past:

To a Center of hope and refreshment today:

From a pile of ashes in days gone by, to a CENTRE of Strength in the Present:

Lives will be refreshed like the renewing of a building from the ashes/ People will be inspired like the raising of new hope, and recreation will return to the Center of the city of Tallahassee as people once again flow through the chamber of life and living within the chambers of these Great Walls.

Come. Find Inspiration. Come. Find Refreshment. Come. Find Recreation, and rise up out of the ashes once again.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Make a List

Two ladies were on the phone with one another, and the one said to the other, “First, I have to go to the grocery store and then to the library. After that, I need to take some papers to my husband after I go by the bank to pick them up. My doctor appointment is at two, but I have to have that done by three because my daughter gets out of dance class that she has to attend by one thirty...” and so goes the day of the average person in America. Running here, running there, there are so many activities, and so many ways to fill the hours and minutes within the day. How in the world is anyone supposed to keep up with all those tasks? Simply make a list.

One of the greatest activities that a person can begin their day with is making a list. “Make your plan, and then work your plan” a wise man once said. The idea is simplistic, but so often unobserved. When the time is taken to stop everything and make a list before the day begins, a person feels less stressed, greater accomplishment, and a sense of satisfaction especially if he or she will take the time to check off each item on the list. Task one: Check; Task two: Check; Task three:...and so on.

The difficulty for most is just beginning this small labor. Try making a list just for this morning's activities. For example: Write my blog – Check; Post the blog to all the sites - ; Comment on twitter; Place deals on craigslist; etc, etc. etc. Check, check, check...

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perpetual Zero

The perpetual zero is a term that is very familiar to anyone who enjoys the life of sales. Each month rewinds the pay chart once again to the wonderful point of not having the first dollar made or guaranteed. No promised revenues have come through, and not a single penny is allotted in the bank account. The only consistent thing is the bills. Without regard or empathy, obligations continue to roll in on the person in sales, but there is great lack for anything to fulfill those obligations. Starting with zero inundates a person with drive, pressure and ingenuity.

Now, what about those who are salaried? Let's suppose a person knows that they will definitely make five thousand dollars a month. Is there the same pressure to move, maneuver, and drive? Is there as much anxiousness, need, and desire to push ahead? What is it that challenges them to succeed, innovate and go beyond the normal obligations at work? Is there any need to do more than what is necessary to fulfill regular duties? Is there any desire to stay at the job a little while longer, work a little harder, and endure a little more?

By the way, why is it that some people want others to slow down their work in an office so that it doesn't make the others look bad? Why would anyone who is able to fulfill their work obligation for a full day within two hours desire to just sit around so the time will pass by? One supposes that if there were certain occupations whose pay changed from contracted promised salaries to perpetual zeros, there might be a change in activity. There might be production that would excel. There might be those who once again put in a full day's work for a living, but for now, take another fifteen minute coffee break, another lunch break, another physical, mental and emotional break, and by all means, instead of a perpetual zero, will someone please just give that salaried worker a raise?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

From the Foundations

It begins with the foundation. Batter boards, string, alignment, and specs determine just how wide, just how long the pad will be. The material should be rebar and concrete, but some choose less reliable material. Some choose to not bother with such "triviality", and ask, "why does it matter what the floor is made of?" "If you don't like the foundation I have formed, then too bad for you," another may banter. But does it really matter to anyone else if my platform isn't reliable?

If the foundations are destroyed, the what shall the people around do? Loyalty, Integrity, Commitment, Reliability, Honor, Honesty, Trustworthiness, and other traits that were so prevalent in days gone by. Where are those traits now? Are they hidden beneath the surface or driven from the core and replaced with less confident material such as: Disloyalty, Dishonesty, Lack of Concern for others and Selfishness?

The interesting aspect to foundations is that discovery of the material is not usually revealed until the storm blows in. When the winds are high and the rains plummet down, the floods come, and the waters rise, the material that is within the foundation will make the building above either stand or fall. Where then shall the building above be?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ridiculous Dominoes

The challenge set before the domino expert was to set up thousands of tiny black rectangular blocks that had sporadically organized white dots in such a fashion that when the first one was tapped ever so slightly with a finger, all of them would fall. Patiently he set up block after block after block, until the winding trails and bending corners were exactly in place. Then, within a moment's time, the first block was touch, and the dominoes began to fall.

Twisting, turning, winding around circles and moving toward unexpected curves, the blocks continued falling and seemed that they would never stop. Click, click, click went the dominoes as they looked to be alive as they tumbled one by one. Finally, the last one fell, and silence fell in the room. This was only practice, and the real show would be performed before a crowd of onlookers.

Is it not amazing how the dominoes in life fall one after another? Sometimes a person may wonder if the end of the tumbling wreckage will ever end. Where is the magnificent hand of interception that could impede the falling blocks? What contribution does the one the blocks are falling upon have to make, or are there decisions that should have or could have been made that would have forgone the doom.

There is place to consider the ridiculous dominoes, and the one who is placing them may only be the victim of his or her own setting up of the room.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Sunday, July 3, 2011


She sits nestled between two Federal edifices and is all alone. She is the sole building not owned by the Federal government on the block and rises four stories with grandeur from the golden days. Her history is theater, town gathering, and a social focal point, and today among the downtown clatter her ominous glass frontage with golden columns speaks to freshness of a new day even though history clings to her walls.

Photos of this grand theater are easily found at Florida Memories Tallahassee:

and those willing to seek the face of an old friend will know she goes well beyond the worth of helping her function. She's classy, and romantic. She's historic, and yet futuristic. She has the feeling of being in another place, away from the norm, and refreshed in the soul for all who walk through her doors. She's magnificent, and her character calls for a fresh beginning.

Now she will host Bagleheads - and MRZ CENTRE Executive Fitness Club – www. which will fill her walls with completeness, charm and usefulness once again. Others will follow as they find her attraction beyond the ability to resist. Not only those who merit elitism and find themselves worth the oasis in the middle of the city shall be with her, but any who deem living a pleasure and are willing to rest themselves within her walls shall be refreshed. An energetic workout, a fresh smoothie or sandwich, a relaxing massage, a glorious facial, or perhaps a refuge away from the office will be offered by her glorious presence. None compare. None have the history. None are as near, and none are so accessible.

MRZ CENTRE. Romanticism arises from the core of the city. Inspiration. Recreation. Refreshment.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

At the Threshold of Freedom

“It's through that door” said the elderly gentleman to the young inmate. “That door?” asked the nearly free occupant. “Yes, that door, just beyond the threshold.”. Inquisitively the captive looked through the door and realized there was indeed something different on the other side of the opening. “There must be a crossing first, then freedom is yours,” said the older patron and added, “you have to cross to the other side, and there is no other way to get there until you go through that one door.”

“And freedom is on the other side?” asked the young man once again to reassure himself. “Yes,” began the older man once again, “Freedom like no other. Freedom from debt, freedom from demand, freedom from bars, freedom from chains, freedom from oppression, freedom from institutional demand, freedom from responsibility, freedom from bill collectors, and freedom from all the opposition who desire to keep you in a catatonic state.”

The young man stared once again at the orifice with such promise, and asked, “Then why do so many not walk through?” The senior man put his hand to the side of his head and began to tap his temple with his index finger. He pondered for a moment and responded, “too much risk.” “Too much risk?” asked the young interested prisoner and added, “There is no one to stop you.” “Oh yes there is,” replied the old man, “You, can stop you. The door is wide open, and all who are willing may step across the threshold, but too many choose not to because they enjoy the security they feel here, and thus, they never know freedom.”

“Wow,” said the young man, “Who are you anyway? You look familiar.” The older man looked intently into the younger man's eyes and said, “Take a very close look.” To the simple boy's surprise, he realized that the older man was in fact himself after years of never moving through the threshold.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beyond Capacity

A young man was walking along a mountain trail when suddenly the rocky ledge he was standing on gave way. Dusk was falling in on him as he began to slide and tumble down the mountain side. Twisting, turning, bumping and falling, the fearful hiker knew this could be his end. Finally, just before he slammed to the bottom of the ravine, his hands caught a small tree to which he clung with all his might. Though his feet were dangling in the air, he was safe for now as long as the little tree's roots would hold.

He began to cry out for help, but no one responded. He yelled all the louder, “Help! Help! Can anyone help me?” Still there was no answer. Finally he knew that he was nearly at his capacity for holding the branch any longer, and he knew his arms and hands would soon fail him. He cried out again, “Help! Help! Can anyone help me?” This time he heard a still small voice that appeared to be from heaven, “Let go my son. Let go.” Although the man acknowledged that the voice might be from above he yelled back, “Is there anyone else up there?”

That is the way it seems with some situations. People get themselves into or find themselves within problems that seem like they are falling down a mountainous ravine. Some are holding on for dear life to the only “little tree” that they can find. Some are hearing voices from above that simply say, “let go.” Whichever state he or she is in, a person with threatening troubles knows the anxiety and lack of capacity to handle the situations. There is a need for someone far beyond their own ability, and the search for him is well worth the investment. The key is in relationship. If this person who has genuine ability to help is well known, then there will be nothing at all to fear. If this person with great capacity to help is not known, then woe to the one who hangs.

By the way, after darkness crept in and the young man could find no solace in the voice above, his capacity to hold on to the little tree reached its limit. and he let go. He fell six inches to the valley floor and was completely safe.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Elephant Trying versus Training

“I tried to stop smoking, but I just couldn't.” “I tried to lose the weight, but just haven't been successful.” “I tried to make up with her,but there was no way.” Is it not so interesting that phrases like these are heard every day about problems that are as large as elephants in their minds. People trying here, and people trying there. People trying this, and people trying that. The effort behind “trying” with great intensity, and trying with very little effort at all is that neither one usually reaches the goal. There is, however, a better plan than “trying.” “Training” implements a schedule, a series of goals, a pattern for behavior that over time is much more likely to obtain the end point that one has in mind.

Discipline is not usually a word that people enjoy hearing. They don't want to focus on acquiescing to some set of rules, guidelines or ways of behavior. Restricting certain foods, limiting smoke breaks, beginning reconciliation practices are not high on the “I'd like to do that” list. Putting a person's personal physical desires under strict control usually raises awareness for the body rather than limiting it. It's sort of like telling someone not to think about a pink elephant. No matter how one “tries” there is a pink elephant in each reader's mind right now.

The key to being successful at the goal desired is to take it and break it down into very small goals. One person said “you can eat an elephant no matter how big he is as long as you do it one bite at a time.” It may take a while, but the elephant can be eaten.

Here is a couple tips: Recognize what the elephant is; Break down the elephant that one is “trying” to be eat into small little pieces. Don't “try” to eat too much at once, rather “train” to be disciplined in the effort for that small piece; and keep eating until the elephant is gone.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?