Monday, July 4, 2011

Ridiculous Dominoes

The challenge set before the domino expert was to set up thousands of tiny black rectangular blocks that had sporadically organized white dots in such a fashion that when the first one was tapped ever so slightly with a finger, all of them would fall. Patiently he set up block after block after block, until the winding trails and bending corners were exactly in place. Then, within a moment's time, the first block was touch, and the dominoes began to fall.

Twisting, turning, winding around circles and moving toward unexpected curves, the blocks continued falling and seemed that they would never stop. Click, click, click went the dominoes as they looked to be alive as they tumbled one by one. Finally, the last one fell, and silence fell in the room. This was only practice, and the real show would be performed before a crowd of onlookers.

Is it not amazing how the dominoes in life fall one after another? Sometimes a person may wonder if the end of the tumbling wreckage will ever end. Where is the magnificent hand of interception that could impede the falling blocks? What contribution does the one the blocks are falling upon have to make, or are there decisions that should have or could have been made that would have forgone the doom.

There is place to consider the ridiculous dominoes, and the one who is placing them may only be the victim of his or her own setting up of the room.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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