Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Make It Go Away

A little boy was playing with his father's hammer, when his father noticed his son's carelessness. “Son,” the caring father said, “Be very careful how you use that hammer. If you use it incorrectly, there will be a heavy price to pay.” The boy listened to his father nonchalantly and continued his reckless behavior. Suddenly the hammer missed the target the boy was aiming for and hit his thumbnail instead. “Ouch, ouch, ouch!!” screamed the boy violently which caused his father to come to his aid. “Son, what happened?” the caring father asked. “I hit my thumb with the hammer,” the boy cried with tears streaming down his face, “and now it hurts so bad.” “Daddy,” the boy pleaded, “make it go away. Make it go away,” but the pain didn't subside.

The father tended to his son with care. He wrapped the wound with bandages, and covered it in ice. He moved it back and forth and massaged it all around,. but there was nothing that could be done to relieve his pain. The father knew that pain hung in the balance if the boy was careless, and now his son would simply have to endure. “Son,” the father said with tenderness in his voice, “this is why your Daddy told you to be careful with the hammer, but now I will do my best to take care of you. You, however, will have a pain to bear.” The father hugged his son, wiped his tears, and the boy fell asleep in his arms.

Fortunately in life there is a healing process that occurs when people make mistakes. Oh, time is required, and suffering is part of the path, but eventually that which hurts so much will and shall subside. Pain is an indicator that something has gone wrong, and though one might want to “make it go away” the hurt is a first agent and great reminder to never be careless with that hammer again.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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