Sunday, July 17, 2011


How is it that a young boy can sever his spine from his head and live to function again? How is it that a blind man can see? How can it be that one who is deaf can hear, and is there an explanation as to how that lame man walks? Questions, questions, questions, and some sort of gobble y gook will follow as a reason. For certain there must be some physiological reaction or meta-physical accounting of such super-natural events, isn't there?

Let's see. Maybe these will help. “The earth is held up by ten elephants. No, the earth is held in place by Charles Atlas. No, wait, the earth sits upon a turtle's back, or was it four dwarfs that hold the earth's four corners? Anyway, the earth is flat, and that would make good sense that it was four dwarfs right?”

Could it be, might it be that there really is a super-natural affect that defies explanation? Could there really be a divine factor or is it just easier to accept “aliens?” One supposes that if belief is required then why is it that one believes the workings of one physician and results are favorable and one believes that same doctor and results are not so favorable? Who or what decides the outcome? How is it that one lives and the other dies from the very same infraction?

Some events are reserved and unknown by human intelligence and investigation. Some happenstances go without explanation by the best of human minds, and sometimes when something occurs outside of the bounds of acceptability, there must be an acceptance that something supernatural has occurred. There must be a realization that has not been discovered that through investigation may lead to the divine.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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