Monday, July 18, 2011

Meaningful Expressions

Two girls were sitting in a mall food court when they began this conversation. “There it is, and there it is again. He did it first, then she. It was that look. You know, that look when there is more in mind than just a simple greeting. It begins with a glance, and now it is a lingering stare. How about that look? Which one? The over there. Ooo, that one looks mean. It does, doesn't it. And he is so ugly too.

I think he's creepy. Me too, but we really don't know very much about him now do we? Nor do we want to. Look at her. Who? Her? Isn't she the stylist of the week. High fashion for sure. Uh oh, looks like she has a lunch date with that guy in the fancy suit. Don't they look happy? They sure do, but it's probably not his wife then.”

Both girls begin to giggle, and continue their surmising of the meaningful expressions that are upon faces they observe, and their practice leads to today's thoughts.

Much information is obtained by a person's facial expressions. Some words spoken do not match the countenance of the person saying them. Without the aid of a mirror it is very difficult to really know the communication one is making. How many have been surprised by the look on their face in a photograph shown to them at a later time? One ought to at least consider the expression that is made on a driver's license for this thought. Not very many like those photos. But, facial movements and contortions do communicate, and many times the non-verbal communication expressed by the face eliminates the words or at least creates doubt within them.

So, how's the face today? What will others see? How will others respond to what they see? Will the meaningful expressions of the reader's face show care for others who surround them or become fodder for little girls chatter?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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