Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Bits

The story is told of a little boy who desired to be a part of purchasing at an auction. Because the times were before the days of registration, pre-approval, certification and verification, almost anyone could patronize the auction of various goods and bid. As every item went up for bid at the auction, the auctioneer would hear the young lad bid loudly, “Two bits!”. No matter what the item was, whether a washing machine, automobile, bicycle, lawn mower or otherwise, the little boy would only bid, “Two bits!”

The value of every item exceeded the small twenty five cent, “Two-bits” the boy was bidding, but still he continued to bid at that number. Item after item went through the auction at much higher levels until the auctioneer was exhausted at the little fellow's bidding and yelled, “Son, take your two bits and get out of here!” The boy left rejected and dejected, but none-the-less knew that all he had in his pocket was “two bits” to bid. Only later in life did he learn the process for future engagement required more than tenacity from the auction's perspective, but his inward drive developed through the auctioneer's malicious act.

Sometimes the wherewithal that a person has limits their ability to engage, but they continue to pursue the process. Sometimes there are no more resources than those afforded to them through education, monies, ability or sagacity, and yet they enter the process. “Two bits” of tenacity will prevail through some of the toughest auctions and auctioneers, and the one who values this sort of heart will be the one who buys rather that the one who just runs his mouth.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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