Friday, August 26, 2011

Shoes on Their Feet

It begins tomorrow morning at nine. They will wait in long lines for the opening of the doors. For some, it will seem like Christmas. For others, it will be a great relief. Many will smile, and others will be so happy that their feet are finally covered again. What is it? Simple. It will be the volunteering of many helpers who will give away brand new tennis shoes to children who are in need. At MRZ CENTRE in downtown Tallahassee, a Samaritan's feet project will find many volunteers washing the feet of children of all ages and providing shoes that have been donated and given away. There will be shoes on their feet and understanding in their hearts that someone really cares for them in this world.

How does one help? How does a person get involved? Well, moving five hundred pairs of shoes takes a little help to put in place. Water for trays and hands to wash feet takes some effort. Since groceries and clothes are being provided as well, there is always a need for someone to be involved with clothing items. Of course there are the tables that are set up for the food, and the coffee, water, drink and snack section will be plenty busy tomorrow. Oh, there's more than enough activities to keep lots of people involved, and the great part is that most volunteers are finished by ten o clock or so.

In the mean time, thoughts and prayers for the event are welcomed as well. Neighbors being neighbors in a world where there is more bad news than any generation should have to bear will be the theme, and those who walk out of MRZ CENTRE with shoes on their feet will have a small reminder that someone really does care.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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