Thursday, December 21, 2017

Multiplied Merchants Spoiled by Cankerworms Nahum 3:16

Though the people of Nineveh fortify themselves with “strongholds” made of “clay, mortar and brickklin”, according to Nahum the prophet, “the fire” shall “devour” them, “the sword shall cut” them “off” and “eat them up like the cankerworm” even if they “multiply” themselves as the “locusts”. In chapter three and verse sixteen of His prophesy, Nahum shared concerning “multiplying” their “merchants” and the “cankerworms” that would spoil them as well. We read:

You have multiplied your merchants above the stars of heaven:
the cankerworm spoils, and flies away.

The verse begins, “You have multiplied your merchants above the stars of heaven:” Nahum began with the words, “You have multiplied” which means “become great, many and numerous” “your merchants” or “those in Nineveh who went about trafficking and trading” “above the stars” which refers to “with numerous progeny, personification and blazing” “of heaven” or “the abode of the stars, the visible universe and atmosphere; the abode of God”. The people of Nineveh were “greatly increased” with “traders and businesses” which were so abundant it was though they reached into “heaven” itself.

The verse continues, “the cankerworm spoils, and flies away.” Nahum added, “the cankerworm” or “young locust or caterpillar” “spoils” which means “strips, invades, dashes, raids and spreads out”, “and flies away” or “cause to fly to and fro shining forth”. Regardless of how abundantly wealthy the Ninevites were economically, they would be “spoiled” by “cankerworms” and their riches would simply “fly away”.

When we think through these words of Nahum, we see how the wealth and riches of the people of Nineveh would not be sufficient to resist their enemy. Thus it shall be with those who have the “riches” of this world and are not rich toward God. Though monetarily they excel and seem to be secure within their wealth, none of their money will help them avoid the judgment of God. Jesus Christ is the only “appeasing sacrifice” for God Almighty's wrath, and those who are wise submit to Him and acknowledge Him as Lord. Let all who read these words yield to the Holy Spirit who draws any who will to this truth.

Next time Nahum shares about “the crowned and the captains”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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