Thursday, November 9, 2017

A Jealous God who Revenges Nahum 1:2

As we began our study of the book of Nahum, we realized this was “the burden of Nineveh” and that the “vision” was entrusted to “Nahum” himself. In chapter one and verse two of this prophesy, Nahum wrote “God is jealous” and He will “revenge” where we read:

God is jealous, and the LORD revenges; the LORD revenges, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserves wrath for his enemies.

The verse begins, “God is jealous, and the LORD revenges; the LORD revenges, and is furious;” Nahum began with the word, “God” who is “the mighty one, the one true God and Jehovah” “is jealous” which means “angry”, “and the LORD” or “Yehovah or Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name for the one true God” “revenges” or “avenges, takes vengeance and punishes”; “the LORD” who is “Yehovah or Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name for the one true God” “revenges” or “avenges, takes vengeance and punishes”, “and is furious” which means “owner, ruler, lord and master”. The idea is that “God is jealous” for Israel, and He will “avenge” them with “fury” against the people of Nineveh.

The verse continues, “the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserves wrath for his enemies.” Nahum added, “the LORD” which refers to “Yehovah or Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name for the one true God” “will take vengeance” or “avenges, takes vengeance and punishes” “on his adversaries” which means “foes, enemies and oppressors”, “and he reserves” which means “keeps, guards and maintains” “wrath for his enemies” which refers to “judgment for his foes and adversaries”. We have learned that God Almighty will judge and take vengeance upon those who oppose His people.

When we consider these words of Nahum, we realize the capital city of Assyria was Nineveh, and although they were spared because they repented approximately one hundred years before at the time of Jonah, they were once again ill-treating Israel. They must have forgotten, the LORD was on Israel's side, and the same idea applies today. Those who oppose Jesus Christ who is God's Son will find mercy and grace if they humble themselves and repent, however, should they continue in opposition to Him, “God is jealous” and “He will bring vengeance against” His “foes” May all who read take heed.

Next time we look at how “God is jealous” and “revenges”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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