Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Huzzub Led Away Nahum 2:7

As Nahum continued to share how the conquering armies of Babylon would overtake the city of Nineveh, he shared how “the gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved”. In chapter two and verse seven of his prophesy, Nahum shared how “Huzzub” would be “led away” where we read:

And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up,
and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts.

The verse begins, “And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up,...” Nahum began with the words, “And Huzzub” which means “to stand upright, establish, station oneself, fix and establish” and referred to “the queen of Nineveh” “shall be led away captive” or “be uncovered, removed, departed and gone into exile”, “she shall be brought up” which means “go up, ascend, climb and spring up”. Those who thought themselves to be “established and fixed in their stations” would “spring up and ascend”. Even the queen of Nineveh who “stood by the king” would be “led” out and ascend out of the city.

The verse goes on to say, “and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts.” Nahum continued, “and her maids” which refers to “female slaves or concubines” “shall lead” or “drive, guide and conduct” “her as with the voice” or “sound, noise, lightness and frivolity” “of doves” which refers to “pigeons”, “tabering” which means “to play or sound the timbrel or beat upon” “upon their breasts” or “inner man, minds, wills, hearts, souls and understanding”. The queen's “handmaids” would be beating upon their “breasts” like one would be upon a tambourine as they were force to travel to Babylon.

When we meditate upon these words of Nahum, we understand not even royalty would be exempt from the destruction that was to come. The “handmaids” who served the “queen” would be forced to leave their positions and be “led” in anguish to Babylon. Let us remember, the LORD is faithful to His promises, and when He tells of pending judgment, no position, establishment or station will be exempt. Jesus Christ came into the world to save everyone who will humble themselves and repent from their sins. He died for those sins and was raised from the dead that all who believe can be saved from “destruction” to come. Let all who read these words take heed, and remember, no one, regardless of their station in life, will be exempt from God's judgment if they refuse His Son Jesus.

Next time Nahum writes how “Nineveh” will “cry; but none shall look back”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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