Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Absence - Equipped for Battle

“Where are they, and where have they been? They haven't been seen for such a long, long time. Has there been an attempt to call or email them? One wonders what they are up to these days? It seems like it has been eons since they have been here, and if they are still functioning, they haven't let anyone know.” Most who read this entry have said or thought these things. Whether the people wondered about are family, friends, old associates or classmates, there are times when people miss one another. The old saying, “Absence make the heart grow fonder” might be true in some sense, but often “Absence makes the heart grow stranger.”

Has there ever been a time when someone from the past approaches, a reunion is made, and for about five to ten minutes there is a seeming closeness when suddenly the thought reigns, “I don't know this person any more.” and the conversation turns to “um, I don't know what to say?” Absence will do that sometimes. Then, of course, there are those relationships that although separated by some time, take up right where they left off as though time was never a factor. Thanksgiving is a great time for those gatherings.

Is there an absence that takes place for such an extended period that the original fervor and intent is lost? Do the ideas and ideals that have been left behind for such an extended time mean that the absence of them make it nonsensical to regain them? What about “integrity”, “honor”, “respect” and “charity”? What about “purity”, “truth”, “good reports” and “lovely things”? Maybe people should not only reunite with one another, but also with principles that made this country the great country it is today.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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