Monday, November 28, 2011

Who's in Charge? - Equipped for Battle

An old manuscript says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Interesting quote, isn't it, especially in the days in which people around the world live? People are at unrest here, and people are dissatisfied there. This country has this uprising, and those groups are unhappy with their leadership. If rejoicing or mourning is the litmus test for what kind of leadership is in authority, what is the sentiment of the people? In other words, who's in charge, the righteous or the wicked?

Revolts, protests, fighting in the streets; rioting, pepper sprays, arrests, and blockades. Do these seem like the actions of people who are rejoicing? Thankfully for many around the United States the “Macy's Day Parade” was shown on Thanksgiving day to show people who were indeed rejoicing. For a least a few moments, anger, wrath, vengeance and revenge were not the anthem of the crowd. One supposes that whoever was in charge of that parade must have been more toward the righteous authorities. But alas, the next day it was back to the “Black Friday” pepper spray, fights, knocked out Grandfather, and more.

Maybe there should be a long look taken at the source of the troubles rather than just the symptoms. The people are in some part reacting to the leadership they have in place. One person said, “A country gets the leadership they deserve.” Oh my, if that be so, what does that say about the root source within this country's walls? Maybe each person should look within and determine whether or not he or she is one who mourns or rejoices over the current circumstances, and then do whatever it takes to assure that the righteous are in authority that rejoicing may be the reaction most employed.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More? or,, and other bookstore sites

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