Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You - Equipped for Battle

This is the day of day during the year to give thanks. Thank you to God above who decided birth would be available, and thank you for to parents whomever they may be for participating in existence. Thank you for the life sustaining elements such as breath, water and food, and thank you for the ability to function in whatever capacity that is. Thank you for a government that allows for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and thank you for those military personnel who preserve and protect those freedoms every day.

Thank you for family and friends, and thank you for laws that keep order and control and punishes those who do not abide by them. Thank you for those in leadership who never appreciated enough, and thank you for the ability to relieve them should they not function in a manner that pleases.

Thank you to those who contribute to others lives without any fanfare or recognition, and thank you to those who are known but continue to bless humbly. Thank you to those who care enough to take the time to write simple cards that speak volumes, and thank you to those who write novels to commend. Thank you to all who read these words, and may your Thanksgiving Day be blessed by giving thanks for all the blessings that are so freely afforded and often overlooked.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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