Sunday, November 27, 2011

Excerpt from Equipped for Battle

Many have asked. “What does the inside of the devotional “Equipped for Battle” look like?” Today's entry looks like this

November 27


And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest

of these [is] charity.1 Corinthians 13:13

Missions have different classifications. Some are high priority,

like covert operations. Others are low on the totem pole, like

policing the trash around the barracks. One supposes the rankings

are determined by those making them. However, discipline

and danger factor into most tasks. The propensity for each determines

whether the mission is tantamount or not.

Jesus knew the greatest thing and Paul later relayed it—love.

Without love, there would be no Savior. Without love, there

would be no mankind to save and without love, creation would

have been extinguished long, long ago. Nonetheless, there is a

Heavenly Father above who loves beyond measure, and the greatest

characteristic of Him is that, God is love.

Those who know God, love—those who do not know God, do

not know the greatest love that ever shall be. Above all else in life,

love is indeed the greatest drive.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. I ask You,

today, to help me love as You love. May love be my greatest

characteristic, like unto You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

The desire for this devotional book is that it will be given to every military person who serves this country by protecting and preserving the values upon which it was founded. May God shed His grace upon all of them.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More? and now available on and other bookstore sites

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