Friday, November 4, 2011


In the Al Pacino movie, “Scent of a Woman”, Frank Slade is a blind, cantankerous retired Lieutenant Colonial who in one line comments harshly about a salute that his counterpart Charlie makes when he is given an order. Colonial Slade says, “Next time...snap it out! Thumb to palm, index finger through the little digit, smartly aligned, sharp to the hairline, down! Too many men, far better than you, have executed that courtesy.” Although Colonial Slade could not see, he could sense the careless and flippant manner in which Charlie gave his non-verbal honor. Those who understand the rank and file of the military know the importance of the acknowledgment of superiors. Respect, honor, and regard are not only expected, but are demanded in the military ranks, and the salute is heralded as the manner in which this courtesy is extended.

Today, this writer salutes those who represent the United States of America's Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard. With highest respect and honor the endless giving of yourselves to those you know and do not know must be acknowledged by those who are the beneficiaries of your sacrifice. For those who fight in wars, we salute you. For those who protect our boarders, we salute you. For those who stand post, endure rough terrains, work long arduous hours, fly, endure long boat and submarine rides, are away from family members, deployed to foreign soils, and give of your lives and limbs, we salute you.

With the echoing words from the movie mentioned above, we extend the courtesy of snapping to attention our salute to you today, and we want you to know that what you do does not go unnoticed.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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