Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rest Assured

While children sleep, they guard. While women rest, they protect. While men relax, they watch. Who are these who serve while others take their ease? They are none other that the men and women of the armed forces of the United States of America. Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard members are awake while others are resting, and their silent sacrifice is to be held in high regard and not taken for granted. With solemn gratitude and high respect those who fall under their protection can rest assured as they lay their heads on their pillows tonight.

How horrible would it be to know that at any moment a bomb could detonate overhead? What would it be like to wonder if there would be intruders from foreign lands that might appear at the doorstep before the sun rises in the morning? What would it feel like to wonder if the street that was outside each house would be intact the next day? How would a person sleep if there was the threat of his or her children being taken and pillaged during the night? Fortunately because of brave men and women who protect this country, most do not have to worry or wonder over such things. To these things, this writer bows his head in gratitude.

Thank you, to all the service men and women who give sacrificially every day even if they are not acknowledged. Thank you for all the long nights, hard road trips, difficult conditions, lackluster meals, and arduous circumstances that are endured just to help others rest easy. Thank you for all the hard work, painful memories, physical pain and mental anguish that is withstood whether the recipients thereof recognize it or not. Thank you, from both writer and reader, for helping us to know rest is assured because you give your lives for this country.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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