Sunday, November 13, 2011

Expedience - Equipped for Battle

Expedient, beneficial, of worthy value, and notable in timing, all seem to describe the attributes of something that is good, something that is advantageous and many times helpful. Character traits such as expedience is often overlooked, ignored or not even known, however, expedience must be considered when the soldier positions him or herself in harm's way. Without the consideration of expedience even the best of people go astray, and that deviance may cost life or limb.

Many times there are occasions where one of two choices may be made. One will benefit the chooser a small amount, and the other will benefit him or her in a great way. The decision is usually an easy one because most people consider themselves as the primary one to be rewarded. If “I” wins the most, then the choice is “I” every time, right? Maybe not. For example, suppose the benefit to oneself is that no harm shall ever touch as long as there is never an engagement. If there is no fight, there will be no harm, right? Not necessarily. As the saying goes, Edmund Burke said, “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Expedience of this sort requires personal sacrifice for the benefit of others.

This is why the military of the United States must be considered. This is why they must be equipped for battle. This is why the Marines herald, “The Few. The Proud. The Marines.”, and the other branches of military service are ready in an instant to be expedient for the sake of those they protect and serve. Once again, gratitude is extended to those who allow their personal expedience to be put to the side for people they do not even know, but give their lives so they may live.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

See: for a way to thank a military person today

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