Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Personal Word - Equipped for Battle

I am diverting from my normal manner of writing today which consists mainly of words in the third person and about people or processes that do not involve me personally. However, the importance of the devotional that has just been published, “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” has a significant personal aspect to it, and I wish to paint a picture in words that demonstrate my own imagination of the reason for writing this book.

Imagine yourself away from home for the first time, or for that matter any time a person is away from family. You're a military person, and missing family and friends is quite troubling at this time of year. Even though there are others around you every day, there are no connections quite like being with your wife or husband, your children or mother. There just is nothing quite like being with dad. Maybe you wish you just had someone who cared or demonstrated that they were grateful for your service, and maybe just a small boost of moral would do wonders for making it through the day to day.

That, to me, is where this devotional comes in. I picture that military person, whether Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine, Coast Guard or National Guard, sitting and taking a minute or less to read the words that correspond to that day of the year, and those words, that thought was exactly what they needed for the day. The verse and pray might just be the one they needed to know for that time in their lives, and the inspiration of the paragraph or two was just the words they needed to hear.

An old saying is very clear when it says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Timing for a particular thought will be impeccable as these well-loved people open their books, power up their ipods, e-books, ipads or kindles, and read beneath the phrases, “Someone cares deeply about me even when it seems that no one is around.”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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