Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just Traveling Through - Equipped for Battle

“What was in that big city to which you were going? How many people are there? Was there anything to do while you were in it? Did you see a few shows, take in a ballgame or have a few meetings? Where did you eat, and what did you see while you were there? Did you meet anyone special or anyone that was famous or rich?” and on and on the questions could roll about being in a place that is not considered your home. For many visiting a big city like New York or Las Angeles is merely for vacation or short-term business, and their idea is to only pass through the area for a little time. Others live in these wonderful places, but if one thinks about it, all of them are simply just traveling through.

An old writing says, “What is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away,” and very much like the vapor that appears from an old tea pot that boils and then disappears into the air above, one's life does the same. Like visiting a city that is not familiar, a person is basically here one day and gone the next. A few people will be along for the trip, and there will be lots to do. There might even be a few shows to watch, games to see, and one might even meet a famous or rich person or two, and eventually he or she will have to leave the “city” to which they are visiting. Like a flash of lighting across a dark cloudy night, they will appear for a while, and then disappear into the dark.

With such thought, a person should be encouraged to get busy living, visiting, sharing, giving and enjoying. While one is “just traveling through” there is a lot to see, a lot to enjoy and a lot to share. Rather than being one who wishes they did more, wishes they saw more, and wishes they enjoyed more, each person who reads these words should realize the gravity of the ending scene and begin today removing tomorrow's regrets because before long they will have traveled through for the last time.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More? ,, and other online bookstores

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