Thursday, December 29, 2011

Testimonies from Equipped for Battle

He stood in front of the desk with the devotional “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in his hand. His words were, “I am literally shaking while I am holding this book.” He was a twenty year retired Army infantryman, and his delight with the prospects of this new writing gave him great hope. “While I was sitting in my Bradley for over two weeks during Desert Storm,” he continued, “We would have loved to have had something like this to read. I believe this book is going to spread like wildfire.”

She sat in a chair waiting for the information from those in her presence. She began to speak of her plight and shared how her husband had just passed away from complications from “Agent Orange” complications from Vietnam. After years of a grueling illness, the effects of war had their final result. She was now a widow, and decisions that had always been made by her husband were now hers alone. In compassion to her situation, the book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” was placed in her hands. She began to weep and said, “I knew God sent me in her today for a reason. I will treasure this book for the rest of my life.” In the few moments that she perused the devotionals, she was being encouraged, strengthened, and comforted.

The stories keep rolling in. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and Coast Guard members of the military are being blessed by such a simple concept as this one word or small phrase per day, a short Bible verse, a short commentary related to the military, and a prayer per day. The devotion for the day can be read in less than one minute, and the word for the day will stick with its readers all day long.

For anyone in a “Battle” in life, this devotional is important, and the timing of each of the entries is impeccable when a person needs it the most. There will be more stories coming such as how the book is now in Afghanistan and Kuwait and beginning to be sent around the world. Pass the word on as the goal is to be in every military person's hands and in every home throughout America.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, find locally at

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