Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Miracle of Joy - Equipped for Battle

Today is the in-law's fifty second anniversary. Congratulations to them indeed. Is it not rare to find those who make it that many years nowadays? So many quit so quickly, and there really isn't any real joy in some of the ones that linger. So how do they make it? What's the secret, and is there a factor that is within the soul of people that help them to endure? Is it really possible to be married at eighteen years old and make it fifty-two years together and still have joy inside? Perhaps a look at the difference between joy and happiness will be appropriate, and what better time is there during the year than when “Joy to the World” is proclaimed day after day on the radio?

Happiness is temporary and fleeting. For example, suppose that someone gave a person a check for two million dollars. That would make most people very happy. In fact, their happiness would be abounding, and they would share it with everyone they knew. But, what if when they went to cash the check they found out that the check was no good, and it bounced. Suddenly, happiness is replaced with sadness, disappointment and letdown. Or, suppose that a person gets married. Everything is perfect on the wedding day. All the decoration is beautiful. The bride is stunning, and the groom is debonair. The service goes on without a hitch, and everyone has a wonderful time at the reception. Happiness is in the air, and for a few moments, it seems that nothing can go wrong. But then, it happens. On the honeymoon, the real person married comes to the forefront. He's selfish, mean, and leaves the bride in her room alone. He pushes his way to every line first, and really doesn't care what the bride wants at any time. It's as if the groom is a totally different person, and once again, happiness flees away because happiness depends upon the circumstances.

Joy, however, is deep within a person's soul. Joy does not depend upon circumstances. Joy continues even when everything goes wrong. Joy is not contingent upon someone winning, getting everything their way or having everyone do just as they desire. Joy lives above the situations, and deep within, it never disappears. Happiness has a constant need to be replenished, and it empties depending upon what happens. Joy is constant, never ending, and continually fulfilling.

So, which shall it be, “Happiness” or “Joy”? Perhaps both, but as the song so rightfully words it, “Joy to the World”, and those who seek the words after this phrase will find the secret to having Joy versus happiness.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More? ,,, and other major bookstore sites

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