Monday, December 12, 2011

The Truth - Equipped for Battle

“He said she said this, but what they said was actually that.” “She did this, but what she said she did was totally different.” What is it about telling the truth? Why does it seem so difficult? When someone is asked, “Will you tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” and that asked individual says, “yes”, how is one supposed to know whether that “yes” means “yes” or whether even that affirmation is a lie? The truth – it seems so important, and yet avoiding it is so pervasive in our society.

Perhaps :”the truth” is relevant to many. When one person sees a particular incident or issue from one vantage point to him or her that is the truth, however another person may see things from a totally different perspective, and to that one their view is truth. Who hasn't heard of the five blind men who touch an elephant and describe what the elephant looks like – a wall, a flag, a hose, a tree trunk or a rope. To each of these, they describe truth according to their position and understanding.

So, just what is truth, and is the truth really worth the effort to find? If truth is found does it make one different, more well adjusted, at an advantage? Are the implications of the truth such that if one seeks for it, he or she will not only discover it, but shall enjoy the benefits of it? Perhaps many are as Pilate of old who asked, “What is truth?” when he should have replaced the “what” with a “who”, and that may just be where the quest should begin or begin again.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

See “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation – A Military Devotional” at; ; or locally at

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