Saturday, September 3, 2022

Scattered Seaweed

Where didst thou come

oh slimy weed

in sea thy life was birthed

and slithered 'pon

the sand-filled shore

to rest on sun baked earth

With no invite

nor willing one

to welcome presence here

thy wretched stench

and scattered strew

hath none to bring thee cheer

Why dost thou stay

and linger on

and never seem to leave

but taunt and drag

upon my feet

with burdensome degree

But wait shall I

till ocean waves

remove thy blighted path

and off thou go

to ne'er return

with thy forbidden wrath

And like the weeds

when troubles come

from origins unknown

and slither fast

within my life

like wretched dirty crone

With no invite

or willing heart

to bear the taunting fears

that they doth bring

upon my mind

that last throughout the years

Why won't you leave

thou ling'ring threat

that pounds upon my heart

and rids me of

my peaceful sleep

and won't from me depart

But wait shall I

with patient thrust

till time like oceans waves

removes thy blight

upon my life

and frees me from thy raze



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